199.243—Referral, evaluation, and treatment.

(a) Each covered employee who has engaged in conduct prohibited by §§ 199.215 through 199.223 of this subpart shall be advised of the resources available to the covered employee in evaluating and resolving problems associated with the misuse of alcohol, including the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of substance abuse professionals and counseling and treatment programs.
(b) Each covered employee who engages in conduct prohibited under §§ 199.215 through 199.223 shall be evaluated by a substance abuse professional who shall determine what assistance, if any, the employee needs in resolving problems associated with alcohol misuse.
(c) (1) Before a covered employee returns to duty requiring the performance of a covered function after engaging in conduct prohibited by §§ 199.215 through 199.223 of this subpart, the employee shall undergo a return-to-duty alcohol test with a result indicating an alcohol concentration of less than 0.02.