191.25—Filing safety-related condition reports.

(a) Each report of a safety-related condition under § 191.23(a) must be filed (received by the Associate Administrator, OPS) in writing within five working days (not including Saturday, Sunday, or Federal Holidays) after the day a representative of the operator first determines that the condition exists, but not later than 10 working days after the day a representative of the operator discovers the condition. Separate conditions may be described in a single report if they are closely related. Reports may be transmitted by facsimile at (202) 366-7128.
[Amdt. 191-6, 53 FR 24949, July 1, 1988; 53 FR 29800, Aug. 8, 1988, as amended by Amdt. 191-7, 54 FR 32344, Aug. 7, 1989; Amdt. 191-8, 54 FR 40878, Oct. 4, 1989; Amdt. 191-10, 61 FR 18516, Apr. 26, 1996]