179.103-3—Venting, loading and unloading valves, measuring and sampling devices.

(b) These valves and appurtenances must be grouped in one location and, except as provided in § 179.103-5, must be equipped with a protective housing with cover, or may be recessed into tank shell with cover. An additional set grouped in another location may be provided. Protective housing with cover, when used, must have steel sidewalls not less than three-fourths inch in thickness and a metal cover not less than one-fourth inch in thickness that can be securely closed. Underframe sills are an acceptable alternate to the protective housing cover, provided the arrangement is of approved design. For fittings recessed into tank shell, protective cover must be metal and not less than one-fourth inch in thickness.
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. 179-10, 36 FR 21348, Nov. 6, 1971]