179.100-13—Venting, loading and unloading valves, measuring and sampling devices.

(c) Gauging device, sampling valve and thermometer well are not specification requirements. When used, they shall be of approved design, made of metal not subject to rapid deterioration by the lading, and shall withstand the tank test pressure without leakage. Interior pipes of the gauging device and sampling valve, except as prescribed in §§ 173.314(j), 179.102 or 179.103, may be equipped with excess flow valves of approved design. Interior pipe of the thermometer well shall be anchored in an approved manner to prevent breakage due to vibration. The thermometer well shall be closed by an approved valve attached close to the manway cover, or other approved location, and closed by a screw plug. Other approved arrangements that permit testing thermometer well for leaks without complete removal of the closure may be used.
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. 179-10, 36 FR 21345, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 179-40, 52 FR 13046, Apr. 20, 1987; Amdt. 179-42, 54 FR 38798, Sept. 20, 1989; 65 FR 58632, Sept. 29, 2000; 68 FR 48571, Aug. 14, 2003; 68 FR 75760, Dec. 31, 2003]