173.62—Specific packaging requirements for explosives.
Except as provided in § 173.7 of this subchapter, when the § 172.101 Table specifies that an explosive must be packaged in accordance with this section, only packagings which conform to the provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section or § 173.7(e) of this subchapter and the applicable requirements in §§ 173.60 and 173.61 may be used unless otherwise approved by the Associate Administrator.
(b) Explosives Table.
The Explosives Table specifies the Packing Instructions assigned to each explosive. Explosives are identified in the first column in numerical sequence by their identification number (ID #), which is listed in column 4 of the § 172.101 table, of this subchapter. The second column of the Explosives Table specifies the Packing Instruction (PI) which must be used for packaging the explosive. The Explosives Packing Method Table in paragraph (c) of this section defines the methods of packaging. The Packing Instructions are identified using a 3 digit designation. The Packing Instruction prefixed by the letters “US” is particular to the United States and not found in applicable international regulations.
ID# | PI |
UN0004 | 112 |
UN0005 | 130 |
UN0006 | 130 |
UN0007 | 130 |
UN0009 | 130 |
UN0010 | 130 |
UN0012 | 130 |
UN0014 | 130 |
UN0015 | 130 |
UN0016 | 130 |
UN0018 | 130 |
UN0019 | 130 |
UN0020 | 101 |
UN0021 | 101 |
UN0027 | 113 |
UN0028 | 113 |
UN0029 | 131 |
UN0030 | 131 |
UN0033 | 130 |
UN0034 | 130 |
UN0035 | 130 |
UN0037 | 130 |
UN0038 | 130 |
UN0039 | 130 |
UN0042 | 132 |
UN0043 | 133 |
UN0044 | 133 |
UN0048 | 130 |
UN0049 | 135 |
UN0050 | 135 |
UN0054 | 135 |
UN0055 | 136 |
UN0056 | 130 |
UN0059 | 137 |
UN0060 | 132 |
UN0065 | 139 |
UN0066 | 140 |
UN0070 | 134 |
UN0072 | 112(a) |
UN0073 | 133 |
UN0074 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0075 | 115 |
UN0076 | 112 |
UN0077 | 114(a) or 114(b) |
UN0078 | 112 |
UN0079 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0081 | 116 |
UN0082 | 116 or 117 |
UN0083 | 116 |
UN0084 | 116 |
UN0092 | 135 |
UN0093 | 135 |
UN0094 | 113 |
UN0099 | 134 |
UN0101 | 140 |
UN0102 | 139 |
UN0103 | 140 |
UN0104 | 139 |
UN0105 | 140 |
UN0106 | 141 |
UN0107 | 141 |
UN0110 | 141 |
UN0113 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0114 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0118 | 112 |
UN0121 | 142 |
UN0124 | US1 |
UN0129 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0130 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0131 | 142 |
UN0132 | 114(b) |
UN0133 | 112(a) |
UN0135 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0136 | 130 |
UN0137 | 130 |
UN0138 | 130 |
UN0143 | 115 |
UN0144 | 115 |
UN0146 | 112 |
UN0147 | 112(b) |
UN0150 | 112(a) or 112(b) |
UN0151 | 112 |
UN0153 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0154 | 112 |
UN0155 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0159 | 111 |
UN0160 | 114(b) |
UN0161 | 114(b) |
UN0167 | 130 |
UN0168 | 130 |
UN0169 | 130 |
UN0171 | 130 |
UN0173 | 134 |
UN0174 | 134 |
UN0180 | 130 |
UN0181 | 130 |
UN0182 | 130 |
UN0183 | 130 |
UN0186 | 130 |
UN0190 | 101 |
UN0191 | 135 |
UN0192 | 135 |
UN0193 | 135 |
UN0194 | 135 |
UN0195 | 135 |
UN0196 | 135 |
UN0197 | 135 |
UN0204 | 134 |
UN0207 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0208 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0209 | 112 |
UN0212 | 133 |
UN0213 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0214 | 112 |
UN0215 | 112 |
UN0216 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0217 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0218 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0219 | 112 |
UN0220 | 112 |
UN0221 | 130 |
UN0222 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0224 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0225 | 133 |
UN0226 | 112(a) |
UN0234 | 114(a) or 114(b) |
UN0235 | 114(a) or 114(b) |
UN0236 | 114(a) or 114(b) |
UN0237 | 138 |
UN0238 | 130 |
UN0240 | 130 |
UN0241 | 116 or 117 |
UN0242 | 130 |
UN0243 | 130 |
UN0244 | 130 |
UN0245 | 130 |
UN0246 | 130 |
UN0247 | 101 |
UN0248 | 144 |
UN0249 | 144 |
UN0250 | 101 |
UN0254 | 130 |
UN0255 | 131 |
UN0257 | 141 |
UN0266 | 112 |
Code of Federal Regulations
UN0267 | 131 |
UN0268 | 133 |
UN0271 | 143 |
UN0272 | 143 |
UN0275 | 134 |
UN0276 | 134 |
UN0277 | 134 |
UN0278 | 134 |
UN0279 | 130 |
UN0280 | 130 |
UN0281 | 130 |
UN0282 | 112 |
UN0283 | 132 |
UN0284 | 141 |
UN0285 | 141 |
UN0286 | 130 |
UN0287 | 130 |
UN0288 | 138 |
UN0289 | 139 |
UN0290 | 139 |
UN0291 | 130 |
UN0292 | 141 |
UN0293 | 141 |
UN0294 | 130 |
UN0295 | 130 |
UN0296 | 134 |
UN0297 | 130 |
UN0299 | 130 |
UN0300 | 130 |
UN0301 | 130 |
UN0303 | 130 |
UN0305 | 113 |
UN0306 | 133 |
UN0312 | 135 |
UN0313 | 135 |
UN0314 | 142 |
UN0315 | 142 |
UN0316 | 141 |
UN0317 | 141 |
UN0318 | 141 |
UN0319 | 133 |
UN0320 | 133 |
UN0321 | 130 |
UN0322 | 101 |
UN0323 | 134 |
UN0324 | 130 |
UN0325 | 142 |
UN0326 | 130 |
UN0327 | 130 |
UN0328 | 130 |
UN0329 | 130 |
UN0330 | 130 |
UN0331 | 116 or 117 |
UN0332 | 116 or 117 |
UN0333 | 135 |
UN0334 | 135 |
UN0335 | 135 |
UN0336 | 135 |
UN0337 | 135 |
UN0338 | 130 |
UN0339 | 130 |
UN0340 | 112(a) or 112(b) |
UN0341 | 112(b) |
UN0342 | 114(a) |
UN0343 | 111 |
UN0344 | 130 |
UN0345 | 130 |
UN0346 | 130 |
UN0347 | 130 |
UN0348 | 130 |
UN0349 | 101 |
UN0350 | 101 |
UN0351 | 101 |
UN0352 | 101 |
UN0353 | 101 |
UN0354 | 101 |
UN0355 | 101 |
UN0356 | 101 |
UN0357 | 101 |
UN0358 | 101 |
UN0359 | 101 |
UN0360 | 131 |
UN0361 | 131 |
UN0362 | 130 |
UN0363 | 130 |
UN0364 | 133 |
UN0365 | 133 |
UN0366 | 133 |
UN0367 | 141 |
UN0368 | 141 |
UN0369 | 130 |
UN0370 | 130 |
UN0371 | 130 |
UN0372 | 141 |
UN0373 | 135 |
UN0374 | 134 |
UN0375 | 134 |
UN0376 | 133 |
UN0377 | 133 |
UN0378 | 133 |
UN0379 | 136 |
UN0380 | 101 |
UN0381 | 134 |
UN0382 | 101 |
UN0383 | 101 |
UN0384 | 101 |
UN0385 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0386 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0387 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0388 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0389 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0390 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0391 | 112(a) |
UN0392 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0393 | 112(b) |
UN0394 | 112(a) |
UN0395 | 101 |
UN0396 | 101 |
UN0397 | 101 |
UN0398 | 101 |
UN0399 | 101 |
UN0400 | 101 |
UN0401 | 112 |
UN0402 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0403 | 135 |
UN0404 | 135 |
UN0405 | 135 |
UN0406 | 114(b) |
UN0407 | 114(b) |
UN0408 | 141 |
UN0409 | 141 |
UN0410 | 141 |
UN0411 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0412 | 130 |
UN0413 | 130 |
UN0414 | 130 |
UN0415 | 143 |
UN0417 | 130 |
UN0418 | 135 |
UN0419 | 135 |
UN0420 | 135 |
UN0421 | 135 |
UN0424 | 130 |
UN0425 | 130 |
Code of Federal Regulations
UN0426 | 130 |
UN0427 | 130 |
UN0428 | 135 |
UN0429 | 135 |
UN0430 | 135 |
UN0431 | 135 |
UN0432 | 135 |
UN0433 | 111 |
UN0434 | 130 |
UN0435 | 130 |
UN0436 | 130 |
UN0437 | 130 |
UN0438 | 130 |
UN0439 | 137 |
UN0440 | 137 |
UN0441 | 137 |
UN0442 | 137 |
UN0443 | 137 |
UN0444 | 137 |
UN0445 | 137 |
UN0446 | 136 |
UN0447 | 136 |
UN0448 | 114(b) |
UN0449 | 101 |
UN0450 | 101 |
UN0451 | 130 |
UN0452 | 141 |
UN0453 | 130 |
UN0454 | 142 |
UN0455 | 131 |
UN0456 | 131 |
UN0457 | 130 |
UN0458 | 130 |
UN0459 | 130 |
UN0460 | 130 |
UN0461 | 101 |
UN0462 | 101 |
UN0463 | 101 |
UN0464 | 101 |
UN0465 | 101 |
UN0466 | 101 |
UN0467 | 101 |
UN0468 | 101 |
UN0469 | 101 |
UN0470 | 101 |
UN0471 | 101 |
UN0472 | 101 |
UN0473 | 101 |
UN0474 | 101 |
UN0475 | 101 |
UN0476 | 101 |
UN0477 | 101 |
UN0478 | 101 |
UN0479 | 101 |
UN0480 | 101 |
UN0481 | 101 |
UN0482 | 101 |
UN0483 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0484 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0486 | 101 |
UN0487 | 135 |
UN0488 | 130 |
UN0489 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0490 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0491 | 143 |
UN0492 | 135 |
UN0493 | 135 |
UN0494 | US1 |
UN0495 | 115 |
UN0496 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0497 | 115 |
UN0498 | 114(b) |
UN0499 | 114(b) |
UN0500 | 131 |
UN0502 | 130 |
UN0503 | 135 |
UN0504 | 112(c) |
UN0505 | 135 |
UN0506 | 135 |
UN0507 | 135 |
UN0508 | 114(b) |
UN0509 | 114(b) |
NA0124 | US1 |
NA0276 | 134 |
NA0323 | 134 |
NA0331 | 116 or 117 |
NA0337 | 135 |
NA0349 | 133 |
NA0494 | US1 |
The first column lists, in alphanumeric sequence, the packing methods prescribed for explosives in the Explosives Table of paragraph (b) of this section.
The second column specifies the inner packagings that are required. If inner packagings are not required, a notation of “Not necessary” appears in the column. The term “Not necessary” means that a suitable inner packaging may be used but is not required.
The third column specifies the intermediate packagings that are required. If intermediate packagings are not required, a notation of “Not necessary” appears in the column. The term “Not necessary” means that a suitable intermediate packaging may be used but is not required.
The fourth column specifies the outer packagings which are required. If inner packagings and/or intermediate packagings are specified in the second and third columns, then the packaging specified in the fourth column must be used as the outer packaging of a combination packaging; otherwise it may be used as a single packaging.
Packing Instruction 101 may be used for any explosive substance or article if an equivalent level of safety is shown to be maintained subject to the approval of the Associate Administrator.
Packing instruction | Inner packagings | Intermediate packagings | Outer packagings |
101 | This Packing Instruction may be used as an alternative to a specifically assigned packing method with the approval of the Associate Administrator prior to transportation. When this packing instruction is used, the following must be marked on the shipping documents:“Packaging approved by the competent authority of the United States of America (USA)”. | ||
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS:1. Samples of new or existing explosive substances or articles may be transported as directed by the Associate Administrator for purposes including: testing, classification, research and development, quality control, or as a commercial sample. Explosive samples which are wetted or desensitized must be limited to 25 kg. Explosive samples which are not wetted or desensitized must be limited to 10 kg in small packages as specified by the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety | |||
110(a) | Bags | Bags | Drums. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS:1. The Intermediate packagings must be filled with water saturated material such as an anti-freeze solution or wetted cushioning 2. Outer packagings must be filled with water saturated material such as an anti-freeze solution or wetted cushioning. Outer packagings must be constructed and sealed to prevent evaporation of the wetting solution, except when 0224 is being carried dry | plasticstextile, plastic coated or lined rubber textile, rubberized textile | plasticstextile, plastic coated or lined rubber textile, rubberized Receptacles plastics metal | steel, removable head (1A2).plastics, removable head (1H2) |
110(b) | Bags | Dividing partitions | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONSFor UN 0074, 0113, 0114, 0129, 0130, 0135 and 0224, the following conditions must be satisfied: a. inner packagings must not contain more than 50 g of explosive substance (quantity corresponding to dry substance); b. each inner packaging must be separated from other inner packagings by dividing partitions; and c. the outer packaging must not be partitioned with more than 25 compartments | rubber, conductiveplastics, conductive Receptacles metal wood rubber, conductive plastics, conductive | metalwood plastics fibreboard | natural wood, sift-proof wall (4C2).plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). |
111PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: For UN 0159, inner packagings are not required when metal (1A2 or 1B2) or plastics (1H2) drums are used as outer packagings | Bagspaper, waterproofed plastics textile, rubberized Sheets plastics textile, rubberized | Not necessary | Boxes.steel (4A). aluminium (4B). natural wood, ordinary (4C1). natural wood, sift proof (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fibreboard (4G). plastics, expanded (4H1). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums steel, removable head (1A2). aluminum, removable head (1B2). plywood (1D). fibreboard (1G). plastics, removable head (1H2). |
112(a) This packing instruction applies to wetted solids | Bags | Bags | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS:1. For UN Nos. 0004, 0076, 0078, 0154, 0219 and 0394, packagings must be lead free 2. Intermediate packagings are not required if leakproof drums are used as the outer packaging 3. For UN 0072 and UN 0226, intermediate packagings are not required | paper, multiwall, water resistantplastics textile textile, rubberized woven plastics Receptacles metal plastics | plasticstextile, plastic coated or lined Receptacles metal plastics | steel (4A).aluminium (4B).
natural wood, ordinary (4C1).
natural wood, sift proof (4C2).
plywood (4D).
reconstituted wood (4F).
fibreboard (4G).
plastics, e