173.461—Demonstration of compliance with tests.
Compliance with the design requirements in § 173.412 and the test requirements in §§ 173.465 through 173.469 must be shown by any of the methods prescribed in this paragraph, or by a combination of these methods appropriate for the particular feature being evaluated:
Reference to a previous, satisfactory demonstration of compliance of a sufficiently similar nature;
Performance of tests with models of appropriate scale incorporating those features that are significant with respect to the item under investigation, when engineering experience has shown results of those tests to be suitable for design purposes. When a scale model is used, the need for adjusting certain test parameters, such as the penetrator diameter or the compressive load, must be taken into account; or
With respect to the initial conditions for the tests under §§ 173.465 through 173.469, except for the water immersion tests, compliance must be based upon the assumption that the package is in equilibrium at an ambient temperature of 38 °C (100 °F).
[Amdt. 173-244, 60 FR 50307, Sept. 28, 1995, as amended by 63 FR 52850, Oct. 1, 1998]