1572.5—Standards for security threat assessments.

(3) TSA conducts the analyses described in 49 CFR 1572.107 and determines that the applicant poses a security threat; or
(c) Violation of FMCSA Standards. The regulations of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) provide that an applicant is disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for specified periods, if he or she has an offense that is listed in the FMCSA rules at 49 CFR 383.51. If records indicate that an applicant has committed an offense that would disqualify the applicant from operating a commercial motor vehicle under 49 CFR 383.51, TSA will not issue a Determination of No Security Threat until the State or the FMCSA determine that the applicant is not disqualified under that section.
(d) Waiver. In accordance with the requirements of § 1515.7, applicants may apply for a waiver of certain security threat assessment standards.