Title 49 - Transportation > SUBTITLE B—Other Regulations Relating to Transportation > CHAPTER X—SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (Parts 1000-1019–1332) > SUBCHAPTER C—ACCOUNTS, RECORDS AND REPORTS (Parts 1200-1219–1281) > PART 1242—SEPARATION OF COMMON OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN FREIGHT SERVICE AND PASSENGER SERVICE FOR RAILROADS 1 > 1242.42—Administration, repair and maintenance, machinery repair, equipment damaged, dismantling retired property, fringe benefits, other casualties and insurance, lease rentals, joint facility
1242.42—Administration, repair and maintenance, machinery repair, equipment damaged, dismantling retired property, fringe benefits, other casualties and insurance, lease rentals, joint facility
These accounts pertain solely to freight service and contain no common expenses for separation herein.