
(a) Contents of subpart. (1) 49 U.S.C. 10904 directs the Board to determine the extent to which the avoidable costs of providing rail service plus a reasonable return on the value of the line exceed the revenues attributable to the line. This subpart contains the methodology for such determinations and the standards necessary for application of those terms in the context of a particular proceeding. Such data will be used in reaching the Board's findings on the merits of an abandonment or discontinuance proceeding and in making the necessary financial assistance determinations.
(2) This subpart also sets forth a method by which the carrier may establish its Forecast Year estimates and Estimated Subsidy Payment to be included in its application ( § 1152.22(d) of this part ). Furthermore, an offeror of financial assistance may use this method to formulate a subsidy offer and/or Proposed Subsidy Payment under 49 U.S.C. 10904 and § 1152.27 of subpart C of this part.