1152.26—Board determination under 49 U.S.C. 10903.

Day 0—Application filed, including applicant's case in chief.
Day 10—Due date for oral hearing requests.
Day 15—Due date for Board decision on oral hearing requests.
Day 20—Due date for Notice of Application to be published in the Federal Register.
Day 45—Due date for protests and comments, including opposition case in chief, and for public use and trail use requests.
Day 60—Due date for applicant's reply to opposition case and for applicant's response to trail use requests.
Day 110—Due date for service of decision on the merits.
Day 120—Due date for offers of financial assistance, except that if an application has been granted by decision issued sooner than Day 110, the offer of financial assistance shall be due 10 days after service of the decision granting the application.
[61 FR 67883, Dec. 24, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 34670, June 27, 1997]