1114.28—Depositions, requests for admission, written interrogatories, and responses thereto: inclusion in record.

At the oral hearing, or upon the submission of statements under the modified procedure, depositions, requests for admission and written interrogatories, and respective responses may be offered in evidence by the party at whose instance they were taken. If not offered by such party, they may be offered in whole or in part by any other party. If only part of a deposition, request for admission or written interrogatory, or response thereto is offered in evidence by a party, any other party (where the matter is being heard orally) may require him to introduce all of it which is relevant to the part introduced, and any party may introduce any other parts. Such depositions, requests for admission and written interrogatories, and responses thereto should be admissible in evidence subject to such objections as to competency of the witness, or competency, relevancy, or materiality of the testimony as were noted at the time of their taking or are made at the time they are offered in evidence.