1033.1—Car hire rates.

(1) Car. A freight car bearing railroad reporting marks, other than an excluded boxcar as defined in § 1039.14(c)(2) of this chapter whenever it is owned or leased by any class III carrier and bears a class III carrier's reporting marks.
(1) The rail carrier making the election has legal title to the car; or
(2) The rail carrier making the election does not have legal title to the car but obtains written consent for such election from the party holding legal title; or
(3) The transaction pursuant to which the party holding legal title to the car has furnished the car to the rail carrier making the election was entered into after January 1, 1991.
(1) That rail carrier does not have legal title to the car and does not obtain written consent or such election from the party holding legal title;
(2) The transaction was entered into prior to January 1, 1991; and
(3) The transaction does not provide that the compensation to be paid to the party furnishing the car is to be based in whole or in part directly on the car hire earnings of the car; provided, however, that if the rail carrier making the election subsequently obtains legal title to the car, such election shall then be irrevocable and binding as to the rail carrier and all users and subsequent owners.
(1) At the time the transaction pursuant to which the car was furnished to the rail carrier making the election is first extended or renewed after January 1, 1991; or
(2) If such transaction is not extended or renewed, at the time such transaction terminates.
If such election is so revoked, a rail carrier may make a new election only with the written consent of the party holding legal title to the car, and such election shall be irrevocable and binding as to the rail carrier making the election and all users and subsequent owners.
[58 FR 60144, Nov. 15, 1993]