1.66—Delegations to Maritime Administrator.

With the exception of those authorities delegated to the Maritime Subsidy Board in § 1.67 of this title, the Maritime Administrator is delegated authority to:
(j) Carry out the Act of August 9, 1954 (50 U.S.C. 196 et seq.) commonly called the Emergency Foreign Vessels Acquisition Act;
(q) Exercise the authority vested in the Administrator of General Services by the Act of June 1, 1948, Public Law 80-566, 62 Stat. 281, 40 U.S.C. 318-318c and the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, 63 Stat. 377, and delegated to the Secretary of Transportation by the Administrator of General Services on March 23, 2000, relating to the enforcement of laws for the protection of property and persons at the United States Merchant Marine Academy, located in Kings Point, New York. This may be accomplished through appointment of uniformed personnel as special police, establishment of rules and regulations governing conduct on the affected property, and execution of agreements with other Federal, State, or local authorities.
(u) Carry out the functions vested in the Secretary by section 3(d) of the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (33 U.S.C. 1902(d)) as it relates to ships owned or operated by the Maritime Administration when engaged in noncommercial service;
(cc) Exercise the authority vested in the Secretary of Transportation by section 408(a) of Public Law 105-383 approved November 13, 1998, (112 Stat. 3411 and 3430), 46 U.S.C. 2302(e), relating to the enforcement of the prohibition of shipment of Government-impelled cargoes on vessels if (1) the vessel has been detained and determined to be substandard by the Secretary of Transportation for violation of an international safety convention to which the United States is a party; or (2) the operator of the vessel has on more than one occasion had a violation of an international safety convention to which the United States is a party. The term “Government-impelled cargo” means cargo for which a Federal agency contracts directly for shipping by water or for which (or the freight of which) a Federal agency provides financing, including financing by grant, loan, or loan guarantee, resulting in shipment of the cargo by water.
[Amdt. 1-164, 46 FR 47459, Sept. 28, 1981]

Code of Federal Regulations

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 1.66 , see the List of CFR Sections Affected which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access.