90.517—Report of operation.

A report on the results of a developmental program shall be filed with and made a part of each application for renewal of authorization. In cases where no renewal is requested, such report shall be filed within 60 days of the expiration of such authorization. Matters which the applicant does not wish to disclose publicly may be so labeled; they will be used solely for the Commission's information, and will not be publicly disclosed without permission of the applicant. The report shall include comprehensive and detailed information on:
(a) The final objective.
(b) Results of operation to date.
(c) Analysis of the results obtained.
(d) Copies of any published reports.
(e) Need for continuation of the program.
(f) Number of hours of operation on each frequency.
This report is not required if the sole reason for the developmental authorization is that the frequency of operation is restricted to developmental use only.