90.18—Public Safety 700 MHz Nationwide Broadband Network.

The 763-768/793-798 MHz band is dedicated to a broadband public safety communications system with a nationwide level of interoperability. A nationwide license for this spectrum is held by a single entity, the Public Safety Broadband Licensee, which must enter into the 700 MHz Public/Private Partnership with the licensee of the adjacent Upper 700 MHz D Block license, pursuant to a Network Sharing Agreement and such other agreements as the Commission may require. The specific provisions relating to the 700 MHz Public/Private Partnership are set forth in subpart AA of this part and subpart N of part 27. The Public Safety 700 MHz Nationwide Broadband Network is established in the Second Report and Order in PS Docket No. 06-229.
[72 FR 48859, Aug. 24, 2007]