54.802—Obligations of local exchange carriers and the Administrator.

(a) Each Eligible Telecommunications Carrier that is providing service within an area served by a price cap local exchange carrier shall submit to the Administrator, on a quarterly basis on the last business day of March, June, September, and December of each year line count data showing the number of lines it serves for the period ending three months prior to the reporting date, within each price cap local exchange carrier study area disaggregated by UNE Zone if UNE Zones have been established within that study area, showing residential/single-line business and multi-line business line counts separately. For purposes of this report, and for purposes of computing support under this subpart, the aggregated residential/single-line business class lines reported include single and non-primary residential lines, single-line business lines, ISDN BRI and other related residential class lines. Similarly, the multi-line business class lines reported include multi-line business, centrex, ISDN PRI and other related business class lines assessed the End User Common Line charge pursuant to § 69.152 of this chapter. For purposes of this report and for purposes of computing support under this subpart, lines served using resale of the price cap local exchange carrier's service pursuant to section 251(c)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, shall be considered lines served by the price cap local exchange carrier only and must be reported accordingly.
(b) In addition to the information submitted pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, each price cap local exchange carrier must submit to the Administrator, on June 30, 2000, October 15, 2000, and April 16, 2001 and annually thereafter or as determined by the Administrator according to § 54.808 :
(1) (i) Average Price Cap CMT Revenue per Line month in a study area for each of its study areas;
(ii) The rates established for UNE Loops and UNE Line Ports, by zone in those study areas where UNE Zones have been established as of the date of filing; and
(iii) Make available information sufficient to determine the boundaries of each UNE Zone within each of its study areas where such zones have been established;
(2) Provided, however, that after the June 30, 2000 filing, if there have been no changes since its previous filing a company may submit a statement that there have been no changes in lieu of such information, and further provided that, for study areas in which UNE Zones have been newly established since the last filing pursuant to this paragraph, the price cap local exchange carrier shall also report the information required by paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) and (b)(1)(iii) of this section to the Administrator on July 15, 2000, or January 15, 2001, as required.
(c) An eligible telecommunications carrier shall be eligible for support pursuant to this subpart only after it has filed all of the information required by paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, where applicable. An eligible telecommunications carrier shall receive payment of support pursuant to this subpart only for such months the carrier is actually providing service to the end user. The Administrator shall ensure that there is periodic reconciliation of support payments.
(d) Upon receiving the information required to be filed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the Administrator shall:
(1) Perform the calculations described in §§ 54.804 through 54.807 of this subpart;
(2) Publish the results of these calculations showing Interstate Access Universal Service Support Per Line available in each price cap local exchange carrier study area, by UNE Zone and customer class;
(3) Collect the funds necessary to provide support pursuant to this subpart in accordance with subpart H;
(4) Distribute support calculated pursuant to the rules contained in this subpart; and
(5) Report quarterly to the Commission on the collection and distribution of funds under this subpart as described in § 54.701(g). Fund distribution reporting will be by state and by eligible telecommunications carrier within the state.
[65 FR 38690, June 21, 2000; 65 FR 57739, 57740, Sept. 26, 2000]