54.303—Long term support.
Beginning January 1, 1998, an eligible telecommunications carrier that participates in the association Common Line pool shall receive Long Term Support. Beginning July 1, 2004, no carrier shall receive Long Term Support.
To calculate the unadjusted base-level of Long Term Support for 1998, the Administrator shall calculate the difference between the projected Common Line revenue requirement of association Common Line tariff participants projected to be recovered in 1997 and the sum of end user common line charges and the 1997 projected revenue recovered by the association Carrier Common Line charge as calculated pursuant to § 69.105(b)(2) of this chapter.
To calculate Long Term Support for calendar year 1998, the Administrator shall adjust the base-level of Long Term Support calculated in paragraph (b)(1) of this section to reflect the annual percentage change in the actual nationwide average unseparated loop cost per working loop as filed by the Administrator in the previous calendar year, pursuant to § 36.622 of this chapter.
To calculate Long Term Support for calendar year 1999, the Administrator shall adjust the level of support calculated in paragraph (b)(2) of this section to reflect the annual percentage change in the actual nationwide average unseparated loop cost per working loop as filed by the Administrator in the previous calendar year, pursuant to § 36.622 of this chapter.
Beginning January 1, 2000, the Administrator shall calculate Long Term Support annually by adjusting the previous year's level of support to reflect the annual percentage change in the Department of Commerce's Gross Domestic Product-Chained Price Index (GDP-CPI).
Beginning July 1, 2002, each carrier will be eligible to receive LTS equal to the lesser of:
The LTS for which the carrier would be eligible pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section, or
Its common line revenue requirement as calculated in accordance with part 69 of this chapter, minus:
(1) The study area revenues obtained from end-user common line charges at their allowable maximum as determined by §§ 69.104(n) and 69.104(o) of this chapter ;
(2) The carrier common line charge revenues to be phased out pursuant to § 69.105 of this chapter ;
(3) The special access surcharges pursuant to § 69.114 of this chapter; and
(4) The line port costs in excess of basic analog service pursuant to § 69.130 of this chapter.
In calculating an LTS amount pursuant to paragraph (b)(5)(i)(B) of this section, the Administrator shall use data filed pursuant to § 54.903 of this chapter.
[63 FR 2128, Jan. 13, 1998; 63 FR 33586, June 19, 1998, as amended at 67 FR 42506, June 24, 2002; 67 FR 70702, Nov. 26, 2002; 69 FR 25336, May 6, 2004]