32.103—Balance sheet accounts for other than regulated-fixed assets to be maintained.

Balance sheet accounts to be maintained by Class A and Class B telephone companies for other than regulated-fixed assets are indicated as follows:
Balance Sheet Accounts
Account title Class Aaccount Class Baccount
Current assets
Cash and equivalents 1120 1120
Receivables 1170 1170
Allowance for doubtful accounts 1171 1171
Material and supplies 1220 1220
Prepayments 1280 1280
Other current assets 1350 1350
Noncurrent assets
Nonregulated investments 1406 1406
Other noncurrent assets 1410 1410
Deferred charges:
Deferred maintenance, retirements and other deferred charges 1438 1438
Other jurisdictional assets-net 1500 1500
[67 FR 5680, Feb. 6, 2002]