27.1168—Triggering a Reimbursement Obligation.
The clearinghouse will apply the following test to determine when an AWS entity or MSS/ATC entity has triggered a cost-sharing obligation and therefore must pay an AWS relocator, MSS relocator (including MSS/ATC), or a voluntarily relocating microwave incumbent in accordance with the formula detailed in § 27.1164 :
All or part of the relocated microwave link was initially co-channel with the licensed AWS band(s) of the AWS entity or the selected assignment of the MSS operator that seeks and obtains ATC authority (see § 25.149(a)(2)(i) of this chapter );
An AWS relocator, MSS relocator (including MSS/ATC) or a voluntarily relocating microwave incumbent has paid the relocation costs of the microwave incumbent; and
The AWS or MSS entity is operating or preparing to turn on a fixed base station (including MSS/ATC) at commercial power and the fixed base station is located within a rectangle (Proximity Threshold) described as follows:
The length of the rectangle shall be x where x is a line extending through both nodes of the microwave link to a distance of 48 kilometers (30 miles) beyond each node. The width of the rectangle shall be y where y is a line perpendicular to x and extending for a distance of 24 kilometers (15 miles) on both sides of x. Thus, the rectangle is represented as follows:
Code of Federal Regulations
If the application of the Proximity Threshold Test indicates that a reimbursement obligation exists, the clearinghouse will calculate the reimbursement amount in accordance with the cost-sharing formula and notify the AWS or MSS/ATC entity of the total amount of its reimbursement obligation.
Once a reimbursement obligation is triggered, the AWS or MSS/ATC entity may not avoid paying its cost-sharing obligation by deconstructing or modifying its facilities.