2.1507—Test frequencies.

Testing of an EPIRB for compliance outside a shielded room on a distress frequency is prohibited, since this may interfere with emergency communications. Therefore, all compliance testing outside a shielded room should be conducted on one of the pairs of alternate frequencies specified below:
121.600/243.200 MHz
121.650/243.300 MHz
121.700/243.400 MHz
121.750/243.500 MHz
121.800/243.600 MHz
121.850/243.700 MHz
121.900/243.800 MHz
The above frequencies are to be used for limited testing of EPIRBs for compliance with FCC Rules, subject to the following conditions:
(a) The testing shall not cause harmful interference to authorized communications on these frequencies.
(b) The testing shall be coordinated with the nearest FCC district office.
For simplicity, 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz will be used throughout this test procedure to indicate the alternate test frequency.