101.147—Frequency assignments.

(a) Frequencies in the following bands are available for assignment for fixed microwave services.
928.0-929.0 MHz (28)
932.0-932.5 MHz (27)
932.5-935 MHz (17)
941.0-941.5 MHz (27)
941.5-944 MHz (17) (18)
952.0-960.0 MHz (28)
1,850-1,990 MHz (20) (22)
2,110-2,130 MHz) (1) (3) (7) (20) (23)
2,130-2,150 MHz (20) (22)
2,160-2,180 MHz (1) (2) (20) (23)
2,180-2,200 MHz (20) (22)
2,450-2,500 MHz (12)
2,650-2,690 MHz
3,700-4,200 MHz (8) (14) (25)
5,925-6,425 MHz (6) (14) (25)
6,425-6,525 MHz (24)
6,525-6.875 MHz (14) (33)
10,550-10,680 MHz (19)
10,700-11,700 MHz (8) (9) (19) (25)
11,700-12,200 MHz (24)
12,200-12,700 MHz (31)
12,700-13,200 MHz (22)
13,200-13,250 MHz (4) (24) (25)
14,200-14,400 MHz (24)
17,700-18,820 MHz (5) (10) (15)
17,700-18,300 MHz (10) (15)
18,820-18,920 MHz (22)
18,300-18,580 MHz (5) (10) (15)
18,580-19,300 MHz (22) (30)
18,920-19,160 MHz (5 (10) (15)
19,160-19,260 MHz (22)
19,260-19,700 MHz (5) (10) (15)
19,300-19,700 MHz (5) (10) (15)
21,200-22,000 MHz (4) (11) (12) (13) (24) (25) (26)
22,000-23,600 MHz (4) (11) (12) (24) (25) (26)
24,250-25,250 MHz
27,500-28,350 MHz (16)
29,100-29,250 MHz (5), (16)
31,000-31,300 MHz (16)
37,000-40,000 MHz (4)(32)
42,000-42,500 MHz
71,000-76,000 MHz (5) (17)
81,000-86,000 MHz (5) (17)
92,000-94,000 MHz (17)
94,100-95,000 MHz (17)
(1) Frequencies in this band are shared with control and repeater stations in the Public Mobile Services and with stations in the International Fixed Public Radio communication Services located south of 25°30′ north latitude in the State of Florida and U. S. possessions in the Caribbean area. Additionally, the band 2160-2162 MHz is shared with stations in the Multipoint Distribution Service.
(2) Except upon showing that no alternative frequencies are available, no new assignments will be made in the band 2160-2162 MHz for stations located within 80.5 kilometers (50 miles) of the coordinates of the cities listed in § 21.901(c) of this chapter.
(3) Television transmission in this band is not authorized and radio frequency channel widths may not exceed 3.5 MHz.
(4) Frequencies in this band are shared with fixed and mobile stations licensed in other services.
(5) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the fixed-satellite service.
(6) These frequencies are not available for assignment to mobile earth stations.
(7) Frequencies in the band 2110-2120 MHz may be authorized on a case-by-case basis to Government or non-Government space research earth stations for telecommand purposes in connection with deep space research.
(8) This frequency band is shared with station(s) in the Local Television Transmission Service and, in the U.S. Possessions in the Caribbean area, with stations in the International Fixed Public Radiocommunications Services.
(9) The band segments 10.95-11.2 and 11.45-11.7 GHz are shared with space stations (space to earth) in the fixed-satellite service.
(10) This band is co-equally shared with stations in the fixed services under parts 74, 78 and 101 of this chapter.
(11) Frequencies in this band are shared with Government stations.
(12) Frequencies in this band are available for assignment to the common carrier and private-operational fixed point-to-point microwave services.
(13) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the earth exploration satellite service (space to earth).
(14) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the fixed-satellite service.
(15) Stations licensed as of September 9, 1983 to use frequencies in the 17.7-19.7 GHz band may, upon proper application, continue to be authorized for such operation.
(16) As of June 30, 1997, frequencies in these bands are available for assignment only to LMDS radio stations, except for non-LMDS radio stations authorized pursuant to applications refiled no later than June 26, 1998.
(17) Frequencies in these bands are shared with Government fixed stations and stations in the Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service (part 101).
(18) Frequencies in the 942 to 944 MHz band are also shared with broadcast auxiliary stations.
(19) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the private-operational fixed point-to-point microwave service.
(20) New facilities in these bands will be licensed only on a secondary basis. Facilities licensed or applied for before January 16, 1992, are permitted to make minor modifications in accordance with § 101.81 and retain their primary status.
(21) Any authorization of additional stations to use the 2160-2162 MHz band for Multipoint Distribution Service applied for after January 16, 1992, will be secondary to use of the band for emerging technology services.
(22) Frequencies in these bands are for the exclusive use of Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service (part 101). Frequencies in the 12,700-13,200 MHz band, which were available only to stations authorized in the 12,200-12,700 MHz band as of September 9, 1983, are not available for new facilities.
(23) Frequencies in these bands are for the exclusive use of Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service (part 101).
(24) Frequencies in these bands are available for assignment to television pickup and television non-broadcast pickup stations. The maximum power for the local television transmission service in the 14.2-14.4 GHz band is 45 dBW except that operations are not permitted within 1.5 degrees of the geostationary orbit. Beginning March 1, 2005, no new LTTS operators will be licensed and no existing LTTS licenses shall be issued in the 11.7-12.2 and 14.2-14.4 GHz bands.
(25) Frequencies in these bands are available for assignment to television STL stations.
(26) Frequencies from 21.8-22.0 GHz and 23.0-23.2 GHz may be authorized for low power, limited coverage systems subject to the provisions of paragraph (s)(8) of this section.
(27) Frequencies in the 932 to 932.5 MHz and 941 to 941.5 MHz bands are shared with Government fixed point-to-multipoint stations. Frequencies in these bands are paired with one another and are available for flexible use for transmission of the licensee's products and information services, excluding video entertainment material. 932.00625/941.00625 MHz to 932.24375/941.24375 MHz is licensed by Economic Area. 932.25625/941.25625 MHz to 932.49375/941.49375 MHz is licensed on a site-by-site basis.
(28) Licensees that obtain authorizations in the 928/952/956 MHz MAS bands subsequent to July 1, 1999 are limited to private internal services, as defined in § 101.1305. Incumbent operations in the 928/952/956 MHz MAS bands, as defined in § 101.1331(a), are subject to grandfather rights pursuant to § 101.1331. The 928.85-929.0 MHz and 959.85-960.0 MHz bands are licensed on a geographic area basis with no eligibility restrictions. The 928.0-928.85 MHz band paired with the 952.0-952.85 MHz band, in addition to unpaired frequencies in the 956.25-956.45 MHz band, are licensed on a site-by-site basis and used for terrestrial point-to-point and point-to-multipoint fixed and limited mobile operations. The 928.85-929.0 MHz band paired with the 959.85-960.0 MHz band is licensed by Economic Area and used for terrestrial point-to-point and point-to-multipoint fixed operations.
(29) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the Multipoint Distribution Service (part 21). These frequencies may be used for the transmission of the licensee's products and information services, excluding video entertainment material to the licensee's customers.
(30) The frequency band 18,580-19,300 GHz is not available for new licensees after June 8, 2000, except for low power indoor stations in the band 18,820-18,870 MHz and 19,160-19,210 MHz.
(31) This frequency band can be used for Multichannel Video Distribution and Data Service (MVDDS) shared with Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) Services on a co-primary non-harmful interference basis and on a co-primary basis with NGSO FSS satellite earth stations. Incumbent private operational fixed point-to-point licensees can also use these frequencies on a site by site basis.
(32) Frequencies in this band are shared with stations in the fixed-satellite service, subject to the conditions specified in footnote 15 of § 25.202(a)(1) of this chapter, see 47 CFR 47 25.202(a)(1) n.16.
(33) The coordination of a new 30 megahertz link in the 6,525-6,875 MHz band should be attempted only if it cannot be accommodated in the 5,925-6,425 MHz band.
(b) Frequencies normally available for assignment in this service are set forth with applicable limitations in the following tables: 928-960 MHz Multiple address system (MAS) frequencies are available for the point-to-multipoint and point-to-point transmission of a licensee's products or services, excluding video entertainment material, to a licensee's customer or for its own internal communications. The paired frequencies listed in this section are used for two-way communications between a master station and remote stations. Ancillary one-way communications on paired frequencies are permitted on a case-by-case basis. Ancillary communications between interrelated master stations are permitted on a secondary basis. The normal channel bandwidth assigned will be 12.5 kHz. EA licensees, however, may combine contiguous channels without limit or justification. Site-based licensees may combine contiguous channels up to 50 kHz, and more than 50 kHz only upon a showing of adequate justification. Any bandwidth (12.5 kHz, 25 kHz or greater) authorized in accordance with this section may be subdivided into narrower bandwidths to create additional (or sub) frequencies without the need to specify each discrete frequency within the specific bandwidth. Equipment that is used to create additional frequencies by narrowing bandwidth (whether authorized for a 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz or greater bandwidth) will be required to meet, at a minimum, the ±0.00015 percent tolerance requirement so that all subfrequencies will be within the emission mask. Systems licensed for frequencies in these MAS bands prior to August 1, 1975, may continue to operate as authorized until June 11, 1996, at which time they must comply with current MAS operations based on the 12.5 kHz channelization set forth in this paragraph. Systems licensed between August 1, 1975, and January 1, 1981, inclusive, are required to comply with the grandfathered 25 kHz standard bandwidth and channelization requirements set forth in this paragraph. Systems originally licensed after January 1, 1981, and on or before May 11, 1988, with bandwidths of 25 kHz and above, will be grandfathered indefinitely.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note to paragraph (b) introductory text: Paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(5) and Tables 1 through 7 of this section pertain to Multiple Address System (MAS) frequencies and paragraph (b)(6) and Tables 8 through 11 of this section pertain to Point-To-Point frequencies.
(1) Frequencies listed in this paragraph are designated for private internal use and are subject to site-based licensing.
Table 1—Paired Frequencies (MHz)
[12.5 kHz bandwidth]
Remote transmit Master transmit
928.00625 952.00625
928.01875 952.01875
928.03125 952.03125
928.04375 952.04375
928.05625 952.05625
928.06875 952.06875
928.08125 952.08125
928.09375 952.09375
928.10625 952.10625
928.11875 952.11875
928.13125 952.13125
928.14375 952.14375
928.15625 952.15625
928.16875 952.16875
928.18125 952.18125
928.19375 952.19375
928.20625 952.20625
928.21875 952.21875
928.23125 952.23125
928.24375 952.24375
928.25625 952.25625
928.26875 952.26875
928.28125 952.28125
928.29375 952.29375
928.30625 952.30625
928.31875 952.31875
928.33125 952.33125
928.34375 952.34375
Unpaired Frequencies (MHz)
[12.5 kHz bandwidth]
956.25625 956.33125 956.39375
956.26875 956.34375 956.40625
956.28125 956.35625 956.41875
956.29375 956.36875 956.43125
956.30625 956.38125 956.44375
Table 2—Paired Frequencies (MHz)
[25 kHz bandwidth]
Remote transmit Master transmit
928.0125 952.0125
928.0375 952.0375
928.0625 952.0625
928.0875 952.0875
928.1125 952.1125
928.1375 952.1375
928.1625 952.1625
928.1875 952.1875
928.2125 952.2125
928.2375 952.2375
928.2625 952.2625
928.2875 952.2875
928.3125 952.3125
928.3375 952.3375
Unpaired Frequencies (MHz)
[25 kHz bandwidth]
956.2625 956.3375 956.4125
956.2875 956.3625 956.4375
956.3125 956.3875
(2) Frequencies listed in this paragraph are designated for private internal use and are subject to site-based licensing.
Table 3—Paired Frequencies (MHz)
[12.5 kHz bandwidth]
Remote transmit Master transmit
928.35625 952.35625
928.36875 952.36872
928.38125 952.38125
928.39375 952.39375
928.40625 952.40625
928.41875 952.41875
928.43125 952.43125
928.44375 952.44375
928.45625 952.45625
928.46875 952.46875
928.48125 952.48125
928.49375 952.49375
928.50625 952.50625
928.51875 952.51875
928.53125 952.53125
928.54375 952.54375
928.55625 952.55625
928.56875 952.56875
928.58125 952.58125
928.59375 952.59375
928.60625 952.60625
928.61875 952.61875
928.63125 952.63125
928.64375 952.64375
928.65625 952.65625
928.66875 952.66875
928.68125 952.68125
928.69375 952.69375
928.70625 952.70625
928.71875 952.71875
928.73125 952.73125
928.74375 952.74375
928.75625 952.75625
928.76875 952.76875
928.78125 952.78125
928.79375 952.79375
Code of Federal Regulations 676
928.80625 952.80625
928.81875 952.81875
928.83125 952.83125
928.84375 952.84375
Table 4—Paired Frequencies (MHz)
[25 kHz bandwidth]
Remote transmit Master transmit
928.3625 952.3625
928.3875 952.3875
928.4125 952.4125
928.4375 952.4375
928.4625 952.4625
928.4875 952.4875
928.5125 952.5125
928.5375 952.5375
928.5625 952.5625
928.5875 952.5875
928.6125 952.6125
928.6375 952.6375
928.6625 952.6625
928.6875 952.6875
928.7125 952.7125
928.7375 952.7375
928.7625 952.7625
928.7875 952.7875
928.8125 952.8125
928.8375 952.8375
(3) Frequencies listed in this paragraph are not restricted to private internal use and are licensed by geographic area. Incumbent facilities must be protected.
Table 5—Paired Frequencies (MHz)
[12.5 kHz bandwidth]
Remote transmit Master transmit
928.85625 959.85625
928.86875 959.86875
928.88125 959.88125
928.89375 959.89375
928.90625 959.90625
928.91875 959.91875
928.93125 959.93125
928.94375 959.94375
928.95625 959.95625
928.96875 959.96875
928.98125 959.98125
928.99375 959.99375
Table 6—Paired Frequencies (MHz)
[25 kHz bandwidth]
Remote transmit Master transmit
928.8625 959.8625
928.8875 959.8875
928.9125 959.9125
928.9375 959.9375
928.9625 959.9625
928.9875 959.9875
(4) Frequencies listed in this paragraph are licensed by either economic area or on a site-by-site basis.
Table 7—Paired Frequencies
Remote transmit Master transmit
Licensed by Economic Area
(12.5 kHz bandwidth):
932.00625 941.00625
932.01875 941.01875
932.03125 941.03125
932.04375 941.04375
932.05625 941.05625
932.06875 941.06875
932.08125 941.08125
932.09375 941.09375
(50 kHz bandwidth):
932.12500 941.12500
(12.5 kHz bandwidth):
932.15625 941.15625
932.16875 941.16875
932.18125 941.18125
932.19375 941.19375
932.20625 941.20625
932.21875 941.21875
932.23125 941.23125
932.24375 941.24375
Reserved for public safety and private internal use. Licensed on site-by-site basis.
(12.5 kHz bandwidth):
932.25625 941.25625
932.26875 941.26875
932.28125 941.28125
932.29375 941.29375
932.30625 941.30625
932.31875 941.31875
932.33125 941.33125
932.34375 941.34375
932.35625 941.35625
932.36875 941.36875
932.38125 941.38125
932.39375 941.39375
932.40625 941.40625
932.41875 941.41875
932.43125 941.43125
Reserved for Public Safety and Federal Government Use. Licensed on site-by-site basis.
(12.5 kHz bandwidth):
932.44375 941.44375
932.45625 941.45625
932.46875 941.46875
932.48125 941.48125
932.49375 941.49375
(5) Equivalent power and antenna heights for multiple address master stations:
Antenna height (AAT) in meters Maximum effective radiated power
Watts dBm
Above 305 200 53
Above 274 to 305 250 54
Above 244 to 274 315 55
Above 213 to 244 400 56
Above 182 to 213 500 57
Above 152.5 to 182 630 58
152.5 and below 1,000 60
For mobile operations the maximum ERP is 25 watts (44 dBm).
(6) Fixed point-to-point frequencies.
Table 8—Paired Frequencies
[All frequencies may be used by Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point and Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service licensees; 25 kHz bandwidth]
Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
932.5125 941.5125
932.5375 941.5375
932.5625 941.5625
932.5875 941.5875
932.6125 941.6125
932.6375 941.6375
932.6625 941.6625
934.8375 943.8375
934.8625 943.8625
934.8875 943.8875
934.9125 943.9125
934.9375 943.9375
934.9625 943.9625
934.9875 943.9875
Table 9—Paired Frequencies
[Frequencies may be used only by Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service licensees, unless otherwise noted; 50 kHz bandwidth]
Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
932.70 1 1 941.70
932.75 1 1 941.75
934.80 1 1 943.80
956.65 953.05
956.75 953.15
956.85 953.25
956.95 953.35
957.05 953.45
957.25 953.65
957.35 953.75
957.45 953.85
957.65 954.05
957.75 954.15
957.85 954.25
958.05 954.45
958.15 954.55
958.25 954.65
958.45 954.85
958.55 954.95
958.65 955.05
958.85 955.25
958.95 955.35
959.05 955.45
959.25 955.65
959.35 955.75
959.45 955.85
959.55 955.95
959.65 956.05
1 These frequencies also may be used by Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave licensees.
Table 10—Paired Frequencies
[Frequencies may be used only by Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave licensees, unless otherwise noted; 100 kHz bandwidth]
Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
932.8250 1 1 941.8250
932.9250 1 1 941.9250
933.0250 1 1 942.0250
934.5250 1 1 943.5250
934.6250 1 1 943.6250
934.7250 1 1 943.7250
956.6 953.0
956.7 953.1
956.8 953.2
956.9 953.3
957.0 953.4
957.1 953.5
957.2 953.6
957.3 953.7
957.4 953.8
957.5 953.9
957.6 954.0
957.7 954.1
957.8 954.2
957.9 954.3
958.0 954.4
958.1 954.5
958.2 954.6
958.3 954.7
958.4 954.8
958.5 954.9
958.6 955.0
958.7 955.1
958.8 955.2
958.9 955.3
959.0 955.4
959.1 955.5
959.2 955.6
959.3 955.7
959.4 955.8
959.5 955.9
959.6 956.0
959.7 956.1
1 These frequencies also may be used by Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave licensees.
Table 11—Paired Frequencies
[Frequencies may be used only by Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave licensees, unless otherwise noted; (200 kHz bandwidth)]
Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
933.1750 1 1 942.1750
933.3750 1 1 942.3750
933.5750 1 1 942.5750
Code of Federal Regulations 678
933.7750 1 1 942.7750
933.9750 1 1 942.9750
934.1750 1 1 943.1750
934.3750 1 1 943.3750
957.15 953.55
957.55 953.95
957.95 954.35
958.35 954.75
958.75 955.15
959.15 955.55
1 These frequencies also may be used by Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave licensees.
(c) 1850-1990 MHz. (1) 10 MHz maximum bandwidth.