1.735—Copies; service; separate filings against multiple defendants.

(a) Complaints may generally be brought against only one named carrier; such actions may not be brought against multiple defendants unless the defendant carriers are commonly owned or controlled, are alleged to have acted in concert, are alleged to be jointly liable to complainant, or the complaint concerns common questions of law or fact. Complaints may, however, be consolidated by the Commission for disposition.
(b) The complainant shall file an original copy of the complaint, accompanied by the correct fee, in accordance with part 1, subpart G (see § 1.1106) and, on the same day:
(1) File three copies of the complaint with the Office of the Commission Secretary;
(2) Serve two copies on the Market Disputes Resolution Division, Enforcement Bureau;
(3) If the complaint is filed against a carrier concerning matters within the responsibility of the International Bureau (see § 0.261 of this chapter ), serve a copy on the Chief, Policy Division, International Bureau; and
(4) If a complaint is addressed against multiple defendants, pay a separate fee, in accordance with part 1, subpart G (see § 1.1106 ), and file three copies of the complaint with the Office of the Commission Secretary for each additional defendant.
(c) Generally, a separate file is set up for each defendant. An original plus two copies shall be filed of all pleadings and documents, other than the complaint, for each file number assigned.
(d) The complainant shall serve the complaint by hand delivery on either the named defendant or one of the named defendant's registered agents for service of process on the same date that the complaint is filed with the Commission in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section.
(e) Upon receipt of the complaint by the Commission, the Commission shall promptly send, by facsimile transmission to each defendant named in the complaint, notice of the filing of the complaint. The Commission shall send, by regular U.S. mail delivery, to each defendant named in the complaint, a copy of the complaint. The Commission shall additionally send, by regular U.S. mail to all parties, a schedule detailing the date the answer will be due and the date, time and location of the initial status conference.
(f) All subsequent pleadings and briefs filed in any formal complaint proceeding, as well as all letters, documents or other written submissions, shall be served by the filing party on the attorney of record for each party to the proceeding, or, where a party is not represented by an attorney, each party to the proceeding either by hand delivery, overnight delivery, or by facsimile transmission followed by regular U.S. mail delivery, together with a proof of such service in accordance with the requirements of § 1.47(g). Service is deemed effective as follows:
(1) Service by hand delivery that is delivered to the office of the recipient by 5:30 pm, local time of the recipient, on a business day will be deemed served that day. Service by hand delivery that is delivered to the office of the recipient after 5:30 pm, local time of the recipient, on a business day will be deemed served on the following business day;
(2) Service by overnight delivery will be deemed served the business day following the day it is accepted for overnight delivery by a reputable overnight delivery service such as, or comparable to, the US Postal Service Express Mail, United Parcel Service or Federal Express; or
(3) Service by facsimile transmission that is fully transmitted to the office of the recipient by 5:30 pm, local time of the recipient, on a business day will be deemed served that day. Service by facsimile transmission that is fully transmitted to the office of the recipient after 5:30 pm, local time of the recipient, on a business day will be deemed served on the following business day.
(g) Supplemental complaint proceedings. Supplemental complaints filed pursuant to section 1.722 shall conform to the requirements set out in this section, except that the complainant need not submit a filing fee, and the complainant may effect service pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section rather than paragraph (d) of this section numerals.
[53 FR 11855, Apr. 11, 1988. Redesignated and amended at 58 FR 25573, 25574, Apr. 27, 1993, as amended at 63 FR 1040, Jan. 7, 1998; 64 FR 60726, Nov. 8, 1999; 66 FR 16617, Mar. 27, 2001; 67 FR 13223, Mar. 21, 2002; 69 FR 41130, July 7, 2004]