
(a) In General. Within forty five (45) days after the filing of a complaint, the Commission shall issue a final determination in any proceeding brought under this subsection. The Commission's final determination shall specify the number of violations committed by the satellite carrier. The Commission shall hear witnesses only if it clearly appears, based on the written filings by the parties, that there is a genuine dispute about material facts. Except as provided in the preceding sentence, the Commission may issue a final ruling based on the written filings by the parties.
(b) Discovery. The Commission may direct the parties to exchange pertinent documents, and if necessary, to take prehearing depositions, on such schedule as the Commission may approve, but only if the Commission first determines that such discovery is necessary to resolve a genuine dispute about material facts, consistent with the obligation to make a final determination within forty five (45) days. In this connection, the Commission may utilize the discovery or other evidentiary procedures set forth in §§ 1.311 through 1.364 of the Commission's rules.