1.1162—General exemptions from regulatory fees.

No regulatory fee established in §§ 1.1152 through 1.1156, unless otherwise qualified herein, shall be required for: (a) Applicants, permittees or licensees in the Amateur Radio Service, except that any person requesting a vanity call-sign shall be subject to the payment of a regulatory fee, as prescribed in § 1.1152.
(b) Applicants, permittees, or licensees who qualify as government entities. For purposes of this exemption, a government entity is defined as any state, possession, city, county, town, village, municipal corporation, or similar political organization or subpart thereof controlled by publicly elected or duly appointed public officials exercising sovereign direction and control over their respective communities or programs.
(c) Applicants and permittees who qualify as nonprofit entities. For purposes of this exemption, a nonprofit entity is defined as: an organization duly qualified as a nonprofit, tax exempt entity under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 501; or an entity with current certification as a nonprofit corporation or other nonprofit entity by state or other governmental authority.
(1) Any permittee, licensee or other entity subject to a regulatory fee and claiming an exemption from a regulatory fee based upon its status as a nonprofit entity, as described above, shall file with the Secretary of the Commission (Attn: Managing Director) written documentation establishing the basis for its exemption within 60 days of its coming under the regulatory jurisdiction of the Commission or at the time its fee payment would otherwise be due, whichever is sooner, or at such other time as required by the Managing Director. Acceptable documentation may include Internal Revenue Service determination letters, state or government certifications or other documentation that non-profit status has been approved by a state or other governmental authority. Applicants, permittees and licensees are required to file documentation of their nonprofit status only once, except upon request of the Managing Director.
(2) Within sixty (60) days of a change in nonprofit status, a licensee or permittee previously claiming a 501(C) exemption is required to file with the Secretary of the Commission (Attn: Managing Director) written notice of such change in its nonprofit status or ownership. Additionally, for-profit purchasers or assignees of a license, station or facility previously licensed or operated by a non-profit entity not subject to regulatory fees must notify the Secretary of the Commission (Attn: Managing Director) of such purchase or reassignment within 60 days of the effective date of the purchase or assignment.
(d) Applicants, permittees or licensees in the Special Emergency Radio and Public Safety Radio services.
(e) Applicants, permittees or licensees of noncommercial educational (NCE) broadcast stations in the FM or TV services, as well as AM applicants, permittees or licensees operating in accordance with § 73.503 of this chapter.
(f) Applicants, permittees, or licensees qualifying under paragraph (e) of this section requesting Commission authorization in any other mass media radio service (except the international broadcast (HF) service), wireless radio service, common carrier radio service, or international radio service requiring payment of a regulatory fee, if the service is used in conjunction with their NCE broadcast station on an NCE basis.
(g) Other applicants, permittees or licensees providing, or proposing to provide, a NCE or instructional service, but not qualifying under paragraph (e) of this section, may be exempt from regulatory fees, or be entitled to a refund, in the following circumstances:
(1) The applicant, permittee or licensee is an organization that, like the Public Broadcasting Service or National Public Radio, receives funding directly or indirectly through the Public Broadcasting Fund, 47 U.S.C. 396(k), distributed by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, where the authorization requested will be used in conjunction with the organization on an NCE basis;
(2) An applicant, permittee or licensee of a translator or low power television station operating or proposing to operate an NCE service who, after grant, provides proof that it has received funding for the construction of the station through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) or other showings as required by the Commission; or
(3) An applicant, permittee, or licensee provided a fee refund under § 1.1160 and operating as an NCE station, is exempt from fees for broadcast auxiliary stations (subparts D, E, F, and G of part 74 of this chapter) or stations in the wireless radio, common carrier, or international services where such authorization is to be used in conjunction with the NCE translator or low power station.
(h) An applicant, permittee or licensee that is the licensee in the Educational Broadband Service (EBS) (formerly, Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS)) ( parts 27 and 74, e.g., §§ 27.1200, et seq., and 74.832(b), of this chapter) is exempt from regulatory fees where the authorization requested will be used by the applicant in conjunction with the provision of the EBS.
(i) Applications filed in the wireless radio service for the sole purpose of modifying an existing authorization (or a pending application for authorization). However, if the applicant also requests a renewal or reinstatement of its license or other authorization for which the submission of a regulatory fee is required, the appropriate regulatory fee for such additional request must accompany the application.
[60 FR 34033, June 29, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 34904, July 5, 1995; 62 FR 59825, Nov. 5, 1997; 71 FR 43872, Aug. 2, 2006]
(a) Medium of mass communications means:
(1) A daily newspaper;
(2) A cable television system; and
(3) A license or construction permit for
(i) A television station, including low power TV or TV translator,
(ii) A standard (AM) radio station,
(iii) An FM radio station,
(iv) A direct broadcast satellite transponder under the editorial control of the licensee, and
(v) A Multipoint Distribution Service station.
(b) Minority group means:
(1) Blacks,
(2) Hispanics
(3) American Indians,
(4) Alaska Natives,
(5) Asians, and
(6) Pacific Islanders.
(c) Owner means the applicant and any individual, partnership, trust, unincorporated association, or corporation which:
(1) If the applicant is a proprietorship, is the proprietor,
(2) If the applicant is a partnership, holds any partnership interest,
(3) If the applicant is a trust, is the beneficiary thereof,
(4) If the applicant is an unincorporated association or non-stock corporation, is a member, or, in the case of a nonmembership association or corporation, a director,
(5) If the applicant is a stock corporation, is the beneficial owner of voting shares.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note 1: For purposes of applying the diversity preference to such entities only the other ownership interests of those with a 1% or more beneficial interest in the entity will be cognizable.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note 2: For the purposes of this section, a daily newspaper is one which is published four or more days per week, which is in the English language, and which is circulated generally in the community of publication. A college newspaper is not considered as being circulated generally.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note 3: For the purposes of applying the diversity preference, the ownership interests of the spouse of an applicant's principal will not presumptively be attributed to the applicant.
[48 FR 27202, June 13, 1983, as amended at 50 FR 5992, Feb. 13, 1985]
(a) Any applicant desiring a perference in the random selection shall so indicate as part of its application. Such an applicant shall list any owner who owns all or part of a medium of mass communications or who is a member of a minority group, together with a precise identification of the ownership interest held in such medium of mass communications or name of the minority group, respectively. Such an applicant shall also state whether more than 50% of the ownership interests in it are held by members of minority groups and the number of media of mass communications more than 50% of whose ownership interests are held by the applicant and/or its owners.
(b) Preference factors as incorporated in the percentage calculations in § 1.1623, shall be granted as follows:
(1) Applicants, more than 50% of whose ownership interests are held by members of minority groups—2:1.
(2) Applicants whose owners in the aggregate hold more than 50% of the ownership interests in no other media of mass communications—2:1.
(3) Applicants whose owners in the aggregate hold more than 50% of the ownership interest in one, two or three other media of mass communications—1.5:1.
(c) Applicants may receive preferences pursuant to § 1.1622(b)(1) and either § 1.1622 (b)(2) or (b)(3).
(d) Preferences will be determined on the basis of ownership interests as of the date of release of the latest Public Notice announcing the acceptance of the last-filed mutually exclusive application.
(e) No preferences pursuant to § 1.1622 (b)(2) or (b)(3) shall be granted to any LPTV or MDS applicant whose owners, when aggregated, have an ownership interest of more than 50 percent in the following media of mass communications, if the service areas of those media as described herein wholly encompass or are encompassed by the protected predicted contour, computed in accordance with § 74.707(a), of the low power TV or TV translator station for which the license or permit is sought, or computed in accordance with § 21.902(d), of the MDS station for which the license or permit is sought.
(1) AM broadcast station—predicted or measured 2 mV/m groundwave contour, computed in accordance with § 73.183 or § 73.186 ;
(2) FM broadcast station—predicted 1 mV/m contour, computed in accordance with § 73.313 ;
(3) TV broadcast station—Grade A contour, computed in accordance with § 73.684 ;
(4) Low power TV or TV translator station—protected predicted contour, computed in accordance with § 74.707(a) ;
(5) Cable television system franchise area, nor will the diversity preference be available to applicants whose proposed transmitter site is located within the franchise area of a cable system in which its owners, in the aggregate, have an ownership interest of more than 50 percent.
(6) Daily newspaper community of publication, nor will the diversity preference be available to applicants whose proposed transmitter site is located within the community of publication of a daily newspaper in which its owners, in the aggregate, have an ownership interest of more than 50 percent.
(7) Multipoint Distribution Service—station service area, computed in accordance with § 21.902(d).
[48 FR 27202, June 13, 1983, as amended at 50 FR 5992, Feb. 13, 1985; 50 FR 11161, Mar. 20, 1985]
(a) All calculations shall be computed to no less than three significant digits. Probabilities will be truncated to the number of significant digits used in a particular lottery.
(b) Divide the total number of applicants into 1.00 to determine pre-preference probabilities.
(c) Multiply each applicant's pre-preference probability by the applicable preference from § 1.1622 (b)(2) or (b)(3).
(d) Divide each applicant's probability pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section by the sum of such probabilities to determine intermediate probabilities.
(e) Add the intermediate probabilities of all applicants who received a preference pursuant to § 1.1622 (b)(2) or (b)(3).
(f) (1) If the sum pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section is .40 or greater, proceed to paragraph (g) of this section.
(2) If the sum pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section is less than .40, then multiply each such intermediate probability by the ratio of .40 to such sum. Divide .60 by the number of applicants who did not receive a preference pursuant to § 1.1622 (b)(2) or (b)(3) to determine their new intermediate probabilities.
(g) Multiply each applicant's probability pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section by the applicable preference ratio from § 1.1622(b)(1).
(h) Divide each applicant's probability pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section by the sum of such probabilities to determine the final selection percentage.