1.1151—Authority to prescribe and collect regulatory fees.

Authority to impose and collect regulatory fees is contained in title VI, section 6002(a) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (Pub. L. 103-66, 107 Stat. 397), enacting section 9 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. 159, which directs the Commission to prescribe and collect annual regulatory fees from designated regulatees in order to recover the costs of certain of its regulatory activities in the private radio, mass media, common carrier, and cable television services.
[59 FR 30999, June 16, 1994]
(a) An application for an award of fees and expenses under EAJA shall dentify the applicant and the proceeding for which an award is sought. Unless the applicant is an individual, the application shall state the number of employees of the applicant and describe briefly the type and purpose of its organization or business. The application shall also:
(1) Show that the applicant has prevailed and identify the position of an agency or agencies in the proceeding that the applicant alleges was not substantially justified; or
(2) Show that the demand by the agency or agencies in the proceeding was substantially in excess of, and was unreasonable when compared with, the decision in the proceeding.
(b) The application shall also include a declaration that the applicant is a small entity as defined in 5 U.S.C. 601 or a statement that the applicant's net worth does not exceed $2 million (if an individual) or $7 million (for all other applicants, including their affiliates). However, an applicant may omit the statement concerning its net worth if:
(1) It attaches a copy of a ruling by the Internal Revenue Service that it qualifies as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3)) or, in the case of a tax-exempt organization not required to obtain a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service on its exempt status, a statement that describes the basis for the applicant's belief that it qualifies under such section; or
(2) It states that it is a cooperative association as defined in section 15(a) of the Agricultural Marketing Act (12 U.S.C. 1141j(a) ).
(c) The application shall state the amount of fees and expenses for which an award is sought.
(d) The application may also include any other matters that the applicant wishes the Commission to consider in determining whether and in what amount an award should be made.
(e) The application shall be signed by the applicant or an authorized officer or attorney of the applicant. It shall also contain or be accompanied by a written verification under oath or under penalty of perjury that the information provided in the application is true and correct.
[47 FR 3786, Jan. 27, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 11653, Apr. 10, 1987; 61 FR 39899, July 31, 1996]
(a) Each applicant except a qualified tax-exempt organization or cooperative association must provide with its application a detailed exhibit showing the net worth of the applicant and any affiliates (as defined in § 1.1504(f) of this part) at the time the proceeding was designated. The exhibit may be in any form convenient to the applicant that provides full disclosure of the applicant's and its affiliates' assets and liabilities and is sufficient to determine whether the applicant qualifies under the standards in this subpart. The Administrative Law Judge may require an applicant to file additional information to determine its eligibility for an award.
(b) Ordinarily, the net worth exhibit will be included in the public record of the proceeding. However, an applicant that objects to public disclosure of information in any portion of the exhibit and believes there are legal grounds for withholding it from disclosure may submit that portion of the exhibit directly to the Administrative Law Judge in a sealed enevelope labeled “Confidential Financial Information”, accompanied by a motion to withhold the information from public disclosure. The motion shall describe the information sought to be withheld and explain, in detail, why it falls within one or more of the specific exemptions from mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(1) -(9), why public disclosue of the information would adversely affect the applicant, and why disclosure is not required in the public interest. The material in question shall be served on Bureau counsel, but need not be served on any other party to the proceeding. If the Administrative Law Judge finds that the information should not be withheld from disclosure, it shall be placed in the public record of the proceeding. Otherwise, any request to inspect or copy the exhibit shall be disposed of in accordance with the Commission's established procedures under the Freedom of Information Act, §§ 0.441 through 0.466 of this chapter.
The application shall be accompanied by full documentation of the fees and expenses, including the cost of any study, analysis, engineering report, test, project or similar matter, for which an award is sought. A separate itemized statement shall be submitted for each professional firm or individual whose services are covered by the application, showing hours spent in connection with the proceeding by each individual, a description of the specific services performed, the rate at which each fee has been computed, any expenses for which reimbursement is sought, the total amount claimed, and the total amount paid or payable by the applicant or by any other person or entity for the services provided. The Administrative Law Judge may require the applicant to provide vouchers, receipts, or other substantiation for any expenses claimed.
[47 FR 3786, Jan. 27, 1982, as amended at 61 FR 39899, July 31, 1996]
(a) An application may be filed whenever the applicant has prevailed in the proceeding or in a significant and discrete substantive portion of the proceeding, or when the demand of the Commission is substantially in excess of the decision in the proceeding, but in no case later than 30 days after the Commission's final disposition of the proceeding.
(b) If review or reconsideration is sought or taken of a decision as to which an applicant believes it has prevailed, proceedings for the award of fees shall be stayed pending final disposition of the underlying controversy.
(c) For purposes of this rule, final disposition means the later of
(1) The date on which an initial decision or other recommended disposition of the merits of the proceeding by an Administrative Law Judge becomes administratively final;
(2) Issuance of an order disposing of any petitions for reconsideration of the Commission's order in the proceeding;
(3) If no petition for reconsideration is filed, the last date on which such petition could have been filed;
(4) Issuance of a final order by the Commission or any other final resolution of a proceeding, such as settlement or voluntary dismissal, which is not subject to a petition for reconsideration, or to a petition for judicial review; or
(5) Completion of judicial action on the underlying controversy and any subsequent Commission action pursuant to judicial mandate.
[47 FR 3786, Jan. 27, 1982, as amended at 61 FR 39899, July 31, 1996]