1.1116—General exemptions to charges.

No fee established in §§ 1.1102 through 1.1109 of this subpart, unless otherwise qualified herein, shall be required for:
(a) Applications filed for the sole purpose of modifying an existing authorization (or a pending application for authorization) in order to comply with new or additional requirements of the Commission's rules or the rules of another Federal agency. However, if the applicant also requests an additional modification, renewal, or other action, the appropriate fee for such additional request must accompany the application. Cases in which a fee will be paid include applications by FM and TV licensees or permittees seeking to upgrade channel after a rulemaking.
(b) Applicants in the Special Emergency Radio and Public Safety Radio Services that are government entities or nonprofit entities. Applicants claiming nonprofit status must include a current Internal Revenue Service Determination Letter documenting this nonprofit status.
(c) Applicants, permittees or licensees of noncommercial educational (NCE) broadcast stations in the FM or TV services, as well as AM applicants, permittees or licensees operating in accordance with § 73.503 of this chapter.
(d) Applicants, permittees, or licensees qualifying under paragraph (c) of this section requesting Commission authorization in any other mass media radio service (except the international broadcast (HF) service) private radio service, or common carrier radio communications service otherwise requiring a fee, if the radio service is used in conjunction with the NCE broadcast station on an NCE basis.
(e) Other applicants, permittees, or licensees providing, or proposing to provide, an NCE or instructional service, but not qualifying under paragraph (c) of this section, may be exempt from filing fees, or be entitled to a refund, in the following circumstances.
(1) An applicant is exempt from filing fees if it is an organization that, like the Public Broadcasting Service or National Public Radio, receives funding directly or indirectly through the Public Broadcasting Fund, 47 U.S.C. 396(k), distributed by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, where the authorization requested will be used in conjunction with the organization on an NCE basis;
(2) An applicant for a translator or low power television station that proposes an NCE service will be entitled to a refund of fees paid for the filing of the application when, after grant, it provides proof that it has received funding for the construction of the station through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) or other showings as required by the Commission.
(3) An applicant that has qualified for a fee refund under paragraph (e)(2) of this section and continues to operate as an NCE station is exempt from fees for broadcast auxiliary stations (subparts D, E, and F of part 74) or stations in the private radio or common carrier services where such authorization is to be used in conjunction with the NCE translator or low power station.
(4) An applicant that is the licensee in the Educational Broadband Service (EBS) (formerly, Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS)) ( parts 27 and 74, e.g., §§ 27.1200, et seq., and 74.832(b), of this chapter) is exempt from filing fees where the authorization requested will be used by the applicant in conjunction with the provision of the EBS.
(f) Applicants, permittees or licensees who qualify as governmental entities. For purposes of this exemption a governmental entity is defined as any state, possession, city, county, town, village, municipal corporation or similar political organization or subpart thereof controlled by publicly elected or duly appointed public officials exercising sovereign direction and control over their respective communities or programs.
(g) Applications for Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permits where the applicant intends to use the permit solely in conjunction with duties performed at radio facilities qualifying for fee exemption under paragraphs (c), (d), or (e) of this section.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note: Applicants claiming exemptions under the terms of this subpart must certify as to their eligibility for the exemption through a cover letter accompanying the application or filing. This certification is not required if the applicable FCC Form requests the information justifying the exemption.
[52 FR 5289, Feb. 20, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 40889, Oct. 19, 1988; 55 FR 19172, May 8, 1990; 56 FR 56602, Nov. 6, 1991. Redesignated and amended at 59 FR 30998, June 16, 1994. Redesignated at 60 FR 5326, Jan. 27, 1995, as amended at 65 FR 49762, Aug. 15, 2000; 69 FR 41177, July 7, 2004; 71 FR 54234, Sept. 14, 2006. Redesignated and amended at 74 FR 3445-3446, Jan. 21, 2009]
(a) Regulatory fees will be refunded, upon request, only in the following instances:
(1) When no regulatory fee is required or an excessive fee has been paid. In the case of an overpayment, the refund amount will be based on the applicants', permittees', or licensees' entire submission. All refunds will be issued to the payor named in the appropriate block of the FCC Form 159. Payments in excess of a regulatory fee will be refunded only if the overpayment is $10.00 or more.
(2) In the case of advance payment of regulatory fees, subject to § 1.1152, a refund will be issued based on unexpired full years:
(i) When the Commission adopts new rules that nullify a license or other authorization, or a new law or treaty renders a license or other authorization useless;
(ii) When a licensee in the wireless radio service surrenders the license or other authorization subject to a fee payment to the Commission; or
(iii) When the Commission declines to grant an application submitted with a regulatory fee payment.
(3) When a waiver is granted in accordance with § 1.1166.
(b) No pro-rata refund of an annual fee will be issued.
(c) No refunds will be issued based on unexpired partial years.
(d) No refunds will be processed without a written request from the applicant, permittee, licensee or agent.
[60 FR 34032, June 29, 1995, as amended at 67 FR 46307, July 12, 2002]
(a) Grant of any application or an instrument of authorization or other filing for which a regulatory fee is required to accompany the application or filing, will be conditioned upon final payment of the current or delinquent regulatory fees. Final payment shall mean receipt by the U.S. Treasury of funds cleared by the financial institution on which the check, bank draft, money order, credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover), wire or electronic payment is drawn.
(1) If, prior to a grant of an instrument of authorization, the Commission is notified that final payment of the regulatory fee has not been made, the application or filing:
(i) Will be dismissed and returned;
(ii) Shall lose its place in the processing line; and
(iii) Will not be treated as timely filed if resubmitted after the relevant filing deadline.
(2) If, subsequent to a grant of an instrument of authorization or other filing, the Commission is notified that final payment has not been made, the Commission will:
(i) Automatically rescind that instrument of authorization for failure to meet the condition imposed by this subsection;
(ii) Notify the grantee of this action; and
(iii) Treat as late filed any application resubmitted after the original deadline for filing the application.
(3) Upon receipt of a notification of rescission of the authorization, the grantee will immediately cease operations initiated pursuant to the authorization.
(b) In those instances where the Commission has granted a request for deferred payment of a regulatory fee, further processing of the application or filing or the grant of authority shall be conditioned upon final payment of the regulatory fee and any required penalties for late payment prescribed by the deferral decision. Failure to comply with the terms of the deferral decision shall result in the automatic dismissal of the submission or rescission of the Commission authorization. Further, the Commission shall:
(1) Notify the grantee that the authorization has been rescinded. Upon such notification, the grantee will immediately cease operations initiated pursuant to the authorization; and
(2) Treat as late filed any application resubmitted after the original deadline for filing the application.
(c) (1) Where an applicant is found to be delinquent in the payment of regulatory fees, the Commission will make a written request for the fee, together with any penalties that may be rendered under this subpart. Such request shall inform the regulatee that failure to pay may result in the Commission withholding action on any application or request filed by the applicant. The staff shall also inform the regulatee of the procedures for seeking Commission review of the staff's determination.
(2) If, after final determination that the fee is due or that the applicant is delinquent in the payment of fees and payment is not made in a timely manner, the staff will withhold action on the application or filing until payment or other satisfactory arrangement is made. If payment or satisfactory arrangement is not made within 30 days, the application will be dismissed.
[60 FR 34032, June 29, 1995, as amended at 69 FR 27848, May 17, 2004]
No regulatory fee established in §§ 1.1152 through 1.1156, unless otherwise qualified herein, shall be required for: (a) Applicants, permittees or licensees in the Amateur Radio Service, except that any person requesting a vanity call-sign shall be subject to the payment of a regulatory fee, as prescribed in § 1.1152.
(b) Applicants, permittees, or licensees who qualify as government entities. For purposes of this exemption, a government entity is defined as any state, possession, city, county, town, village, municipal corporation, or similar political organization or subpart thereof controlled by publicly elected or duly appointed public officials exercising sovereign direction and control over their respective communities or programs.
(c) Applicants and permittees who qualify as nonprofit entities. For purposes of this exemption, a nonprofit entity is defined as: an organization duly qualified as a nonprofit, tax exempt entity under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 501; or an entity with current certification as a nonprofit corporation or other nonprofit entity by state or other governmental authority.
(1) Any permittee, licensee or other entity subject to a regulatory fee and claiming an exemption from a regulatory fee based upon its status as a nonprofit entity, as described above, shall file with the Secretary of the Commission (Attn: Managing Director) written documentation establishing the basis for its exemption within 60 days of its coming under the regulatory jurisdiction of the Commission or at the time its fee payment would otherwise be due, whichever is sooner, or at such other time as required by the Managing Director. Acceptable documentation may include Internal Revenue Service determination letters, state or government certifications or other documentation that non-profit status has been approved by a state or other governmental authority. Applicants, permittees and licensees are required to file documentation of their nonprofit status only once, except upon request of the Managing Director.
(2) Within sixty (60) days of a change in nonprofit status, a licensee or permittee previously claiming a 501(C) exemption is required to file with the Secretary of the Commission (Attn: Managing Director) written notice of such change in its nonprofit status or ownership. Additionally, for-profit purchasers or assignees of a license, station or facility previously licensed or operated by a non-profit entity not subject to regulatory fees must notify the Secretary of the Commission (Attn: Managing Director) of such purchase or reassignment within 60 days of the effective date of the purchase or assignment.
(d) Applicants, permittees or licensees in the Special Emergency Radio and Public Safety Radio services.
(e) Applicants, permittees or licensees of noncommercial educational (NCE) broadcast stations in the FM or TV services, as well as AM applicants, permittees or licensees operating in accordance with § 73.503 of this chapter.
(f) Applicants, permittees, or licensees qualifying under paragraph (e) of this section requesting Commission authorization in any other mass media radio service (except the international broadcast (HF) service), wireless radio service, common carrier radio service, or international radio service requiring payment of a regulatory fee, if the service is used in conjunction with their NCE broadcast station on an NCE basis.
(g) Other applicants, permittees or licensees providing, or proposing to provide, a NCE or instructional service, but not qualifying under paragraph (e) of this section, may be exempt from regulatory fees, or be entitled to a refund, in the following circumstances:
(1) The applicant, permittee or licensee is an organization that, like the Public Broadcasting Service or National Public Radio, receives funding directly or indirectly through the Public Broadcasting Fund, 47 U.S.C. 396(k), distributed by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, where the authorization requested will be used in conjunction with the organization on an NCE basis;
(2) An applicant, permittee or licensee of a translator or low power television station operating or proposing to operate an NCE service who, after grant, provides proof that it has received funding for the construction of the station through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) or other showings as required by the Commission; or
(3) An applicant, permittee, or licensee provided a fee refund under § 1.1160 and operating as an NCE station, is exempt from fees for broadcast auxiliary stations (subparts D, E, F, and G of part 74 of this chapter) or stations in the wireless radio, common carrier, or international services where such authorization is to be used in conjunction with the NCE translator or low power station.
(h) An applicant, permittee or licensee that is the licensee in the Educational Broadband Service (EBS) (formerly, Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS)) ( parts 27 and 74, e.g., §§ 27.1200, et seq., and 74.832(b), of this chapter) is exempt from regulatory fees where the authorization requested will be used by the applicant in conjunction with the provision of the EBS.
(i) Applications filed in the wireless radio service for the sole purpose of modifying an existing authorization (or a pending application for authorization). However, if the applicant also requests a renewal or reinstatement of its license or other authorization for which the submission of a regulatory fee is required, the appropriate regulatory fee for such additional request must accompany the application.
[60 FR 34033, June 29, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 34904, July 5, 1995; 62 FR 59825, Nov. 5, 1997; 71 FR 43872, Aug. 2, 2006]
(a) For Fiscal Year 1995, the amounts assessed for regulatory fees are set forth in §§ 1.1152 through 1.1156.
(b) For Fiscal year 1996 and thereafter, the Schedule of Regulatory Fees, contained in §§ 1.1152 through 1.1156, may be adjusted annually by the Commission pursuant to section 9 of the Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. 159. Adjustments to the fees established for any category of regulatory fee payment shall include projected cost increases or decreases and an estimate of the volume of licensees or units upon which the regulatory fee is calculated.
(c) The fees assessed shall:
(1) Be derived by determining the full-time equivalent number of employees performing enforcement activities, policy and rulemaking activities, user information services, and international activities within the Wireline Competition Bureau, Media Bureau, International Bureau and other offices of the Commission, adjusted to take into account factors that are reasonably related to the benefits provided to the payor of the fee by the Commission's activities, including such factors as service coverage area, shared use versus exclusive use, and other factors that the Commission determines are necessary in the public interest;
(2) Be established at amounts that will result in collection, during each fiscal year, of an amount that can reasonably be expected to equal the amount appropriated for such fiscal year for the performance of the activities described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(d) The Commission shall by rule amend the Schedule of Regulatory Fees by proportionate increases or decreases that reflect, in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section, changes in the amount appropriated for the performance of the activities described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, for such fiscal year. Such proportionate increases or decreases shall be adjusted to reflect unexpected increases or decreases in the number of licensees or units subject to payment of such fees and result in collection of an aggregate amount of fees that will approximately equal the amount appropriated for the subject regulatory activities.
(e) The Commission shall, by rule, amend the Schedule of Regulatory Fees if the Commission determines that the Schedule requires amendment to comply with the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section. In making such amendments, the Commission shall add, delete or reclassify services in the Schedule to reflect additional deletions or changes in the nature of its services as a consequence of Commission rulemaking proceedings or changes in law.
(f) In making adjustments to regulatory fees, the Commission will round such fees to the nearest $5.00 in the case of fees under $1,000.00, or to the nearest $25.00 in the case of fees of $1,000.00 or more.
[60 FR 34033, June 29, 1995, as amended at 67 FR 13224, Mar. 21, 2002]
Any late payment or insufficient payment of a regulatory fee, not excused by bank error, shall subject the regulatee to a 25 percent penalty of the amount of the fee of installment payment which was not paid in a timely manner. A timely fee payment or installment payment is one received at the Commission's lockbox bank by the due date specified by the Commission or by the Managing Director. A payment will also be considered late filed if the payment instrument (check, money order, bank draft or credit card) is uncollectible.
(a) The Commission may, in its discretion, following one or more late filed installment payments, require a regulatee to pay the entire balance of its regulatory fee by a date certain, in addition to assessing a 25 percent penalty.
(b) In cases were a fee payment fails due to error by the payor's bank, as evidenced by an affidavit of an officer of the bank, the date of the original submission will be considered the date of filing.
(c) If a regulatory fee is paid in a timely manner, the regulatee will be notified of its deficiency. This notice will automatically assess a 25 percent penalty, subject the delinquent payor's pending applications to dismissal, and may require a delinquent payor to show cause why its existing instruments of authorization should not be subject to rescission.
(d) (1) Where a regulatee's new, renewal or reinstatement application is required to be filed with a regulatory fee (as is the case with wireless radio services), the application will be dismissed if the regulatory fee is not included with the application package. In the case of a renewal or reinstatement application, the application may not be refiled unless the appropriate regulatory fee plus the 25 percent penalty charge accompanies the refiled application.
(2) If the application that must be accompanied by a regulatory fee is a mutually exclusive application with a filing deadline, or any other application that must be filed by a date certain, the application will be dismissed if not accompanied by the proper regulatory fee and will be treated as late filed if resubmitted after the original date for filing application.
(e) Any pending or subsequently filed application submitted by a party will be dismissed if that party is determined to be delinquent in paying a standard regulatory fee or an installment payment. The application may be resubmitted only if accompanied by the required regulatory fee and by any assessed penalty payment.
(f) In instances where the Commission may revoke an existing instrument of authorization for failure to file a regulatory fee, the Commission will provide prior notice to the regulatee of such action and shall allow the licensee no less than 60 days to either pay the fee or show cause why the payment assessed is inapplicable or should otherwise be waived or deferred.
(1) An adjudicatory hearing will not be designated unless the response by the regulatee to the Order to Show Cause presents a substantial and material question of fact.
(2) Disposition of the proceeding shall be based upon written evidence only and the burden of proceeding with the introduction of evidence and the burden of proof shall be on the respondent regulatee.
(3) Unless the regulatee substantially prevails in the hearing, the Commission may assess costs for the conduct of the proceeding against the respondent regulatee. See 47 U.S.C. 402(b)(5).
(4) Any regulatee failing to submit a regulatory fee, following notice to the regulatee of failure to submit the required fee, is subject to collection of the fee, including interest thereon, any associated penalties, and the full cost of collection to the Federal government pursuant to section 3720A of the Internal Revenue Code, 31 U.S.C. 3717, and to the provisions of the Debt Collection Act, 31 U.S.C. 3717. See 47 CFR 1.1901 through 1.1952. The debt collection processes described above may proceed concurrently with any other sanction in this paragraph.
(5) An application or filing by a regulatee that is delinquent in its debt to the Commission is also subject to dismissal under 47 CFR 1.1910.
[60 FR 34034, June 29, 1995, as amended at 69 FR 27848, May 17, 2004]
Payment by cashier's check may be required when a person or organization makes payment, on one or more occasions, with a payment instrument on which the Commission does not receive final payment and such error is not excused by bank error.
[60 FR 34034, June 29, 1995]
The fees established by sections 1.1152 through 1.1156 may be waived, reduced or deferred in specific instances, on a case-by-case basis, where good cause is shown and where waiver, reduction or deferral of the fee would promote the public interest. Requests for waivers, reductions or deferrals of regulatory fees for entire categories of payors will not be considered.
(a) Requests for waivers, reductions or deferrals will be acted upon by the Managing Director with the concurrence of the General Counsel. All such filings within the scope of the fee rules shall be filed as a separate pleading and clearly marked to the attention of the Managing Director. Any such request that is not filed as a separate pleading will not be considered by the Commission.
(1) If the request for waiver, reduction or deferral is accompanied by a fee payment, the request must be submitted to the Commission's lockbox bank at the address for the appropriate service set forth in §§ 1.1152 through 1.1156 of this subpart.
(2) If no fee payment is submitted, the request should be filed with the Commission's Secretary.
(b) Deferrals of fees will be granted for a period of six months following the date that the fee is initially due.
(c) Petitions for waiver of a regulatory fee must be accompanied by the required fee and FCC Form 159. Submitted fees will be returned if a waiver is granted. Waiver requests that do not include the required fees or forms will be dismissed unless accompanied by a petition to defer payment due to financial hardship, supported by documentation of the financial hardship.
(d) Petitions for reduction of a fee must be accompanied by the full fee payment and Form 159. Petitions for reduction accompanied by a fee payment must be addressed to the Federal Communications Commission, Attention: Petitions, Post Office Box 979084, St. Louis, Missouri, 63197-9000. Petitions for reduction that do not include the required fees or forms will be dismissed unless accompanied by a petition to defer payment due to financial hardship, supported by documentation of the financial hardship.
(e) Petitions for waiver of a fee based on financial hardship, including bankruptcy, will not be granted, even if otherwise consistent with Commission policy, to the extent that the total regulatory and application fees for which waiver is sought exceeds $500,000 in any fiscal year, including regulatory fees due in any fiscal year, but paid prior to the due date. In computing this amount, the amounts owed by an entity and its subsidiaries and other affiliated entities will be aggregated. In cases where the claim of financial hardship is not based on bankruptcy, waiver, partial waiver, or deferral of fees above the $500,000 cap may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
[60 FR 34034, June 29, 1995, as amended at 65 FR 78989, Dec. 18, 2000; 66 FR 36206, July 11, 2001; 68 FR 48469, Aug. 13, 2003; 73 FR 9029, Feb. 19, 2008]
(a) Challenges to determinations or an insufficient regulatory fee payment or delinquent fees should be made in writing. A challenge to a determination that a party is delinquent in paying a standard regulatory fee must be accompanied by suitable proof that the fee had been paid or waived (deferred from payment during the period in question), or by the required regulatory payment and any assessed penalty payment (see § 1.1164(c) of this subpart). Challenges submitted with a fee payment must be submitted to address stated on the invoice or billing statement. Challenges not accompanied by a fee payment should be filed with the Commission's Secretary and clearly marked to the attention of the Managing Director or emailed to ARINQUIRIES@fcc.gov.
(b) The filing of a petition for reconsideration or an application for review of a fee determination will not relieve licensees from the requirement that full and proper payment of the underlying fee payment be submitted, as required by the Commission's action, or delegated action, on a request for waiver, reduction or deferment. Petitions for reconsideration and applications for review submitted with a fee payment must be submitted to the same location as the original fee payment. Petitions for reconsideration and applications for review not accompanied by a fee payment should be filed with the Commission's Secretary and clearly marked to the attention of the Managing Director.
(1) Failure to submit the fee by the date required will result in the assessment of a 25 percent penalty.
(2) If the fee payment should fail while the Commission is considering the matter, the petition for reconsideration or application for review will be dismissed.
[60 FR 34035, June 29, 1995, as amended at 69 FR 27848, May 17, 2004]