
As used in this subpart—
Between-deck means the space above the line of the tonnage deck and below the line of the deck next above.
Break means the space between the line of a deck and the upper portion of that deck, in cases where that deck is stepped and continued at a higher elevation.
Camber means the perpendicular rise or crown of a deck at the centerline of the vessel measured above the skin of the vessel at the vessel's sides.
Ceiling means the permanent planking or plating fitted directly on the inboard side of frames, floors, or double bottom and includes cargo battens and refrigeration insulation but does not include false ceiling which stands off from the framing.
Coaming means both the vertical plating around a hatch or skylight and the sill below an opening in a bulkhead.
Deckhouse means a structure that is on or above the uppermost complete deck and that does not extend from side to side of the vessel. The term includes cabin trunks and closed-in spaces over the holds of vessels.
Depth of frame means the perpendicular depth of a bottom frame and the athwart distance between the inboard and outboard faces of a side frame.
Double bottom means a space at the bottom of a vessel between the inner and outer bottom plating and used solely for water ballast.
Floor means a vertical plate or timber extending from bilge to bilge in the bottom of a vessel. In a wooden vessel, “floor” means the lowermost timber connecting the main frames at the keel when that timber extends the full depth of the frames to which it is fastened. In a double bottom, floors usually extend from the outer to the inner bottom.
Gross tonnage is defined in § 69.107(a).
Hatch means an opening in a deck through which cargo is laden or discharged.
Line of tonnage deck means the line determined under § 69.109(e).
Line of uppermost complete deck means the line determined under § 69.111(b).
Net tonnage is defined in § 69.107(b).
Registered breadth is defined in § 69.53.
Registered depth means “molded depth” as defined in § 69.53.
Registered length is defined in § 69.53.
Shelter deck means the uppermost deck that would have qualified as the uppermost complete deck had it not been fitted with a middle line opening.
Step means a cutoff in a deck or in the bottom, top, or sides of a space resulting in varying heights of a deck or varying heights or widths of a space.
Superstructure means all permanent structures (such as forecastle, bridge, poop, deckhouse, and break) on or above the line of the uppermost complete deck or, if the vessel has a shelter deck, on or above the line of the shelter deck.
Tonnage deck is defined in § 69.109(c).
Tonnage length is defined in § 69.109(f).
Uppermost complete deck means the uppermost deck—
(a) Which extends from stem to stern and from side to side at all points of its length;
(b) The space below which is enclosed by the sides of the vessel;
(c) Through which there is no opening that would exempt the space below from being included in gross tonnage; and
(d) Below which there is no opening through the hull that would exempt the space below from being included in gross tonnage.