58.05-1—Material, design and construction.

(a) The material, design, construction, workmanship, and arrangement of main propulsion machinery and of each auxiliary, directly connected to the engine and supplied as such, must be at least equivalent to the standards established by the ABS Steel Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 58.03-1 ), except as otherwise provided by this subchapter.
(b) When main and auxiliary machinery is to be installed without classification society review, the builder shall submit in quadruplicate to the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, such drawings and particulars of the installation as are required by the American Bureau of Shipping Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, Part 4 Vessel Systems and Machinery (2003) for similar installations on classed vessels.
[USCG-2003-16630, 73 FR 65186, Oct. 31, 2008]