404.10—Ratemaking procedures and guidelines.

(a) Appendix A to this part is a description of the types of analyses performed and the methodology followed in the development of a base pilotage rate. Ratemaking calculations in appendix A of this part are made using the definitions and formulas contained in appendix B of this part. Appendix C of this part is a description of the methodology followed in the development of annual reviews to base pilotage rates. Pilotage rates actually implemented may vary from the results of the calculations in appendices A, B and C of this part, because of agreements with Canada requiring identical rates, or because of other circumstances to be determined by the Director. Additional analysis may also be performed as circumstances require. The guidelines contained in § 404.05 are applied in the steps identified in appendix A to this part.
(b) A separate ratemaking calculation is made for each of the following U.S. pilotage areas:
Area 1—the St. Lawrence River;
Area 2—Lake Ontario;
Area 4—Lake Erie;
Area 5—the navigable waters from South East Shoal to Port Huron, MI;
Area 6—Lakes Huron and Michigan;
Area 7—the St. Mary's River; and
Area 8—Lake Superior.
[60 FR 18370, Apr. 11, 1995. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 32655, June 25, 1996, and further redesignated and amended by USCG-1998-3976, 63 FR 35139, 35140, June 29, 1998]