
As used in this part:
Cargo deck area means that part of the weather deck that is directly over the cargo tanks.
Existing vapor collection system means a vapor collection system which was operating prior to July 23, 1990.
Facility vapor connection means the point in a facility's fixed vapor collection system where it connects with the vapor collection hose or the base of the vapor collection arm.
Independent as applied to two systems means that one system will operate with a failure of any part of the other system except power sources and electrical feeder panels.
Inerted means the oxygen content of the vapor space in a cargo tank is reduced to 8 percent by volume or less in accordance with the inert gas requirements of § 32.53 or § 153.500 of this chapter.
Lightering or lightering operation means the transfer of a bulk liquid cargo from a tank vessel to a service vessel.
Marine Safety Center means the Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Center, 1900 Half Street, SW, Suite 1000, Room 525, Washington, DC 20024 for visitors. Send all mail to Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Center, 2100 2nd St. SW., Stop 7102, Washington, DC 20593-7102, in a written or electronic format. Information for submitting the VSP electronically can be found at http://www.uscg.mil/HQ/MSC.
Maximum allowable transfer rate means the maximum volumetric rate at which a vessel may receive cargo or ballast.
New vapor collection system means a vapor collection system which is not an existing vapor collection system.
Service vessel means a vessel which transports bulk liquid cargo between a facility and another vessel.
Topping-off operation means the transfer of a bulk liquid cargo from a service vessel to another vessel in order to load the receiving vessel to a deeper draft.
Vapor balancing means the transfer of vapor displaced by incoming cargo from the tank of a vessel receiving cargo into a tank of the vessel or facility delivering cargo via a vapor collection system.
Vapor collection system means an arrangement of piping and hoses used to collect vapor emitted from a vessel's cargo tanks and to transport the vapor to a vapor processing unit.
Vapor control system means an arrangement of piping and equipment used to control vapor emissions collected from a vessel. It includes the vapor collection system and vapor processing unit.
Vapor processing unit means the components of a vapor control system that recovers, destroys, or disperses vapor collected from a vessel.
Vessel vapor connection means the point in a vessel's fixed vapor collection system where it connects with the vapor collection hose or arm.
[CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990, as amended by USCG-2007-29018, 72 FR 53965, Sept. 21, 2007]