For purposes of this subpart A:
Agreement means an agreement between a State, or Territorial or Regional maritime academy or college and the Maritime Administrator, Department of Transportation as authorized by the 1958 Act or the Act and set forth in § 310.13 of this part.
Cadet means cadet enrolled in the United States Maritime Service and in good standing at a State or Territorial or Regional maritime academy or college meeting the requirements of the 1958 Act.
Commanding Officer means the Commanding Officer of a training ship furnished by the Administration.
Cost of Education Provided means the financial costs incurred by the Federal Government in providing student incentive payments for students at the State maritime academies.
Midshipman means a student in good standing at a State maritime academy or college who has accepted midshipman status in the United States Naval Reserve (including the Merchant Marine Reserve, United States Naval Reserve) under the Act.
Region Director means the Director of the Administration's region office in which a School is located or in which a training ship is located.
School means State or Territorial or regional maritime academy or college meeting the requirements of the Act.
Supervisor means the employee of the Administration designated to supervise the Federal Government's interest in a School under the provisions of the Act, an agreement, and this subpart.
Training Ship means a vessel used for training by a school and furnished by the Administration to a State or Territory, and includes the ship itself and all its equipment, apparel, appliances, machinery boilers, spare and replacement parts and other property contained in it.
[46 FR 37694, July 22, 1981, as amended at 69 FR 31901, June 8, 2004]