252.40—Payment of subsidy.

(a) Submission of voucher. At the close of each calendar month, the subsidized operator may submit a voucher, and include for payment in such voucher the amount of ODS accrued for the voyages terminated during the period.
(b) Maintenance and repair subsidy. In the case of payments for maintenance and repair subsidy only, the subsidized operator shall submit an initial voucher and include for payment in such voucher a percentage of the ODS payable for the period covered by the voucher, which percentage shall be negotiated between MARAD and the subsidized operator, but in no instance shall exceed 90 percent. Upon the completion of MARAD's determinations that the expenses are fair and reasonable, MARAD's computation of the ratio of subsidized vs. nonsubsidized days during the calendar year in which the last voyage terminated, and the Office of the Inspector General's audit of subsidizable expenses, the subsidized operator shall submit a final voucher for an adjustment of the amount of subsidy paid.
[51 FR 40432, Nov. 7, 1986, as amended at 58 FR 17349, Apr. 2, 1993]