174.330—Jettisoning of spoil.
When doing the calculations required by § 174.310 for a hopper dredge with bottom doors, it may be assumed that the spoil is jettisoned immediately after damage and that the bottom doors remain open if:
The closed position within two minutes even if the main power source is lost or the bottom door actuating mechanism is damaged; and
The discharge area through the bottom doors is equal to or greater than 30 percent of the maximum cross sectional area of the hopper measured in a plane parallel to the waterline; and
When doing the calculations required by § 174.310 for a hopper dredge with a split hull, it may be assumed that the spoil is jettisoned immediately after damage if—
The complete separation is effected within two minutes even if the main power source is lost or the actuating means is damaged; and
It is shown to the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center, either by calculations or by operational tests, that the hulls can separate sufficiently to allow the dredged material to dump without bridging; and