160.035-13—Testing and inspection after approval.

(a) General. After the design of a lifeboat has been approved, subsequent lifeboats of the same design shall be individually inspected and tested as noted in § 160.035-11(a) for metal lifeboats and paragraph (b) of this section for FRP. lifeboats. In addition, motors and band-propelling gear when installed shall be operated in the “ahead”, “neutral”, and “astern” positions. If mechanical disengaging apparatus is fitted, it shall be tested by suspending the lifeboat loaded with deadweight equivalent to the number of persons allowed in the lifeboat (165 pounds per person) together with the weight of the equipment, plus 10 percent of the total load, including the weight of the lifeboat. The release lever shall then be thrown over with this load suspended until the lifeboat is released. The apparatus shall be capable of being operated freely by one man, without the use of aids or undue force to the satisfaction of the marine inspector. (This test may be conducted ashore by suspending the lifeboat just clear of the ground.)
(b) Additional production inspection and tests for FRP. lifeboats— (1) Inspection requirements. Each production model fibrous glass reinforced plastic lifeboat shall as a condition to its being accepted as Coast Guard approved equipment, be examined by a marine inspector at the following stages in its manufacture:
(i) When the major, individual components of the shell and inner hull or buoyancy casing are completed but before they are assembled together. At this stage the marine inspector shall satisfy himself that these components comply with the approved plans and specifications by visual inspection, thickness measurements and comparison of the weights of the components with the weights recorded for the same components in the prototype.
(ii) At the time the internal buoyancy is installed. If block plastic foam is used, it shall be inspected after it has been cut to size and shaped but before it is inserted and covered. The installation shall be completed in the presence of the marine inspector and he shall verify that the required amount is used by weighing the material. If foamed-in-place plastic foam is used, the marine inspector shall be present during the foaming operation. A sample of the foam shall be retained outside the boat and when it sets it shall be used to make a density determination of the material.
(iii) When the boat is completed. At this stage the marine inspector shall check the scantlings of the minor components and the overall compliance with the plans. The manufacturer shall certify that the materials used are in accordance with the approved bill of materials.
(2) Test requirements. After the inspections listed in paragraph (b)(1) of this section are completed, the following tests are to be carried out to the satisfaction of the marine inspector:
(i) The boat shall be suspended freely from the releasing gear and the length, breadth and depth measured. The boat shall then be flooded with water equal to 1 1/2 times the weight of the boat, persons, equipment, and provisions and fuel (if motor driven) less the weight of the boat. This is represented by the following formula:
Water added = 1.5 × (empty boat equipment provisions fuel people) − empty boat
The length, breadth and depth shall be measured in this loaded condition and, again, after the load has been removed. The loaded deflections and the permanent deformations shall not significantly exceed those recorded for the prototype in the pre-approval tests. Also, while flooded, the exterior of the hull shall be examined for leaks or other defects. After the boat is drained, the attachment of the release gear shall be carefully examined.
(ii) All provision tanks shall be tested by a static head above the tank top of 2 feet of water without showing leakage or permanent deformation.
(iii) The plastic fuel tanks shall be tested by a static head above the tank top of 10 feet of water without showing leakage or permanent deformation.
(c) Marking. (1) A corrosion resistant nameplate shall be affixed at the bow of each lifeboat on which is stamped the name of the manufacturer, serial number, approval number, dimensions of the lifeboat, cubic capacity, buoyancy capacity, net weight of the boat in Condition A and Condition B, the number of persons for which the lifeboat is approved, together with the Marine Inspection Office identification letters, the date, and the letters U.S.C.G. Condition A includes buoyancy and water tanks and provision stowage compartments but no equipment, provisions, water or persons. Condition B includes full required provisions and equipment, persons allowed at 10 cubic feet or by seating test whichever is less at 165 pounds and 3 quarts of water (6.25 pounds)—per person.
[CGFR 65-9, 30 FR 11467, Sept. 8, 1965, as amended by CGD 72-133R, 37 FR 17040, Aug. 24, 1972; CGD 75-186, 41 FR 10437, Mar. 11, 1976]