160.035-12—Additional preapproval tests required for F.R.P. lifeboats.

(a) General. These tests are required in addition to the preapproval tests required for steel lifeboats in § 160.035-11. The prototype boat of each size or design submitted will be required to perform satisfactorily in the following tests which will be made in the presence of a marine inspector.
(b) Strength test. The following tests described in this paragraph are in lieu of the strength test in § 160.035-11(b)(1) :
(1) Suspension tests. The light lifeboat shall be suspended freely from the releasing gear and the length, beam, and depth measured. Weights shall then be added to equal the weight of the equipment, food, water, and persons to be carried (see § 160.035-11(b)(2)(ii) ), and the length, beam, and depth measured. Additional weights shall then be added so that the suspended load is 25, 50, 75, and 100 percent greater than the weight of the fully equipped and loaded lifeboat and the measurements taken at each 25 percent increments. (Water may be used for all or any portion of the weight if desired.) All weights shall then be removed and final measurements taken. There shall be no fractures or other signs of excessive stress and no appreciable set as a result of this test.
(2) Chock test. The light lifeboat shall be placed on blocks located under the keel at the quarter points and measurements of length, beam, and depth taken. The boat shall be flooded with water equal to the weight of all equipment, food, water, and persons to be carried and measurements of length, beam, and depth taken again. Additional measurements of 25, 50, 75, and 100 percent of the weight of the fully equipped and loaded lifeboat shall be added and the measurements taken at 25 percent increments. If the boat becomes full of water before 100 percent overload is reached, no additional weight need be added, and the last deflection measurements with the boat under load shall be taken at this point. The boat shall be drained and final measurements taken. There shall be no fractures or other signs of excessive stress and no appreciable set as a result of this test.
(3) Swing test. The boat shall be loaded with weights equal to the weight of all equipment, food, water and persons to be carried. It shall then be suspended by the releasing gear with falls 20 feet in length so arranged that when hanging freely the gunwale on one side of the boat is approximately 2 inches from a stationary concrete or steel wall or other structure of similar construction and rigidity. The boat shall then be hauled outboard a horizontal distance of 8 feet from its original position. From this point, the boat shall be allowed to freely swing inboard and strike the wall along one side. There shall be no damage which would render the boat unserviceable.
(4) Drop test. The boat shall be loaded with weights equal to the full weight of all equipment, food, water and persons to be carried. The boat shall then be suspended freely from the releasing gear and shall be dropped in a free fall into the water from a height of 10 feet. There shall be no damage which would render the boat unserviceable.
(5) Thwart test. A 200-pound sand bag shall be dropped from a height of 6 feet on the center of each thwart span. The thwarts shall not fracture or otherwise be rendered unserviceable.
(6) Towing test. With a towline rigged around the forward thwart in the same manner as the sea painter is normally rigged, the fully loaded lifeboat shall be towed at least 1,000 yards at a speed of not less than 5 knots. The boat shall exhibit satisfactory towing characteristics and there shall be no appreciable damage to the thwart.
(7) Tanks and lockers. Equipment tanks and watertight lockers shall be tested with not less than 1.0 p.s.i. of air pressure both before and after the tests described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of this section.