160.032-3—Construction of davits.

(a) Strength required. Davits shall be of such strength that the lifeboat may be lowered safely with its full complement of persons and equipment, it being assumed that the vessel is heeled 15 degrees in either direction and with a 10-degree trim. A minimum factor of safety of 6 on the ultimate strength of the materials shall be maintained at all times based on the approved working load.
(b) Turning out. (1) Mechanical davits shall be designed so that they may be operated from the full inboard to the full outboard position when the lifeboat is fully equipped, but not loaded with persons, it being assumed that the vessel is heeled 15 degrees in either direction and with a 10-degree trim.
(2) Gravity davits shall be designed so that they may be operated automatically from the full inboard to the full outboard position when the lifeboat is fully equipped, but not loaded with persons, it being assumed that the vessel is heeled 15 degrees in either direction and with a 10-degree trim. This operation shall be accomplished by merely releasing the brake of the lifeboat winch.
(c) Materials. (1) Structural steel made by the open-hearth or electric furnace process shall be in accordance with ASTM A 36/A 36 M (incorporated by reference, see § 160.032-1 ).
(2) Steel castings not intended for fusion welding shall be in accordance with ASTM A 36/A 36 M (incorporated by reference, see § 160.032-1 ), Grades U-60-30, 60-30, 65-30, 65-35, and 70-36.
(3) Steel castings intended to be fabricated by fusion welding shall be in accordance with ASTM Standard Specification A 216 (incorporated by reference, see § 160.032-1 ), Grades WCA and WCB.
(4) Cast iron shall not be used in the construction of davits.
(5) Special consideration shall be given to the use of other materials. Proper affidavits concerning these materials will be required.
(d) Bearings. Bearings of davits shall be of non-ferrous metal, or shall be of the roller or ball-bearing type. Positive means of retaining the bearings in position and of lubricating same shall be provided except that self-lubricated bearings in sheaves of manila rope blocks will be acceptable. The manufacturer shall furnish a lubrication chart for each davit together with a plate attached to the davit indicating the lubricants recommended for extremes in temperature.
(e) Guards. All moving parts shall have suitable guards.
(f) Welding. Welding, when employed, shall be performed by welders certified by the U.S. Coast Guard, American Bureau of Shipping, or U.S. Navy Department, and the electrodes used shall be of an approved type.
[CGFR 49-18, 14 FR 5112, Aug. 17, 1949, as amended by CGFR 65-16, 30 FR 10898, Aug. 21, 1965; CGFR 65-9, 30 FR 11466, Sept. 8, 1965; USCG-1999-5151, 64 FR 67184, Dec. 1, 1999; USCG-2000-7790, 65 FR 58463, Sept. 29, 2000]