160.032-2—General requirements for davits.

(a) The requirements of this section apply to all new construction. Davits approved and in use prior to the regulations in this subpart may be continued in service if in satisfactory condition.
(b) Davits may be either of the mechanical or gravity types.
(1) Mechanical davits shall be designed to be swung out by screws, gears, or other means, using manual power for operation. Radial type davits with mechanical means for operating are not acceptable under this category.
(2) Gravity davits shall be designed to be swung out without the use of manual, electric, steam, or other power supplied by the vessel.
(3) Other types of davits will be given special consideration.
(c) Davits shall be so designed that it will not be necessary to take up or slack the falls in order to crank out the davits.
(d) For the purpose of calculations and conducting tests, the weight of the persons shall be taken at 165 pounds each.
(e) The requirements of this subpart shall be complied with unless other arrangements in matters of construction details, design, strength, equivalent in safety and efficiency are approved by the Commandant.
[CGFR 49-18, 14 FR 5112, Aug. 17, 1949]