
Each life preserver must have the following clearly marked in waterproof lettering on a front section:
(a) In letters three-fourths inch or more in height:
(1) Adult (for persons weighing over 90 pounds); or
(2) Child (for persons weighing less than 90 pounds).
(b) In letters capable of being read at a distance of 2 feet:
Type I—Personal Flotation Device.
Inspected and tested in accordance with U.S. Coast Guard regulations.
Fibrous glass buoyant material provides a minimum buoyant force of (25 lb. or 161/2 lb.).
Approved for use on all vessels by persons weighing (90 lb. or more, or less than 90 lb).
U.S. Coast Guard Approval No. 160.005/ (assigned manufacturer's No.)/(Revision No.). (Model No.);
(Name and address of manufacturer or distributor.).
(Lot No.).
[CGD 163R, 38 FR 8118, Mar. 28, 1973, as amended by CGD 75-008, 43 FR 9770, Mar. 9, 1978]