15.1103—Employment and service within the restrictions of an STCW endorsement or of a certificate of training.

(a) On board a seagoing vessel operating beyond the Boundary Line, no person may employ or engage any person to serve, and no person may serve, in a position requiring a person to hold an STCW endorsement, including master, chief mate, chief engineer, second engineer, officer of the navigational or engineering watch, or radio operator, unless the person serving holds an appropriate, valid STCW certificate or endorsement issued in accordance with part 10 or 12 of this chapter.
(b) On board a seagoing vessel of 500 GT or more as determined under the International Tonnage Convention, no person may employ or engage any person to serve, and no person may serve, as a rating forming part of the navigational watch, except for training, unless the person serving holds an appropriate, valid STCW certificate or endorsement issued in accordance with part 12 of this chapter.
(c) On board a seagoing vessel driven by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW [1,000 hp] propulsion power or more, no person may employ or engage any person to serve, and no person may serve, in a rating forming part of a watch in a manned engine-room, nor may any person be designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room, except for training or for the performance of duties of an unskilled nature, unless the person serving holds an appropriate, valid STCW certificate or endorsement issued in accordance with part 12 of this chapter.
(d) You must hold documentary evidence to show you meet the requirements of §§ 11.1005 or 12.30-5 of this chapter, as appropriate, if you are a master or crewmember on board a Ro-Ro passenger ship to which a certificate signifying compliance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (SOLAS) (SOLAS is available from the International Maritime Organization (IMO), 4 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SR, England, telephone: 44 (0)20 7735 7611, http://www.imo.org ), has been issued.
(e) You must hold documentary evidence to show you meet the requirements of §§ 11.1005 or 12.30-5 of this chapter, as appropriate, if you are a master or crewmember on board a vessel that is—
(1) Subject to the STCW;
(2) Not a Ro-Ro passenger ship; and
(3) Carrying more than 12 passengers when on an international voyage.
(f) On board a seagoing vessel required to comply with provisions of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) in Chapter IV of SOLAS, no person may employ or engage any person to serve, and no person may serve, as the master, chief mate, or officer of the navigational watch, unless the person serving holds the appropriate certificate or endorsement for operator of radio in GMDSS.
(g) On board a seagoing vessel required to comply with provisions of the GMDSS in Chapter IV of SOLAS, no person may employ or engage any person to serve, and no person may serve, as the person designated to maintain GMDSS equipment at sea, when the service of a person so designated is used to meet the maintenance requirements of SOLAS Regulation IV/15, which allows for capability of at-sea electronic maintenance to ensure that radio equipment is available for radio communication, unless the person so serving holds documentary evidence that he or she is competent to maintain GMDSS equipment at sea.
(h) On board a seagoing vessel fitted with an Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA), no person may employ or engage any person to serve, and no person may serve, as the master, chief mate, or officer of the navigational watch, unless the person so serving has been trained in the use of ARPA according to §§ 11.205 or 11.209 of this chapter, whichever is appropriate.
[CGD 95-062, 62 FR 34539, June 26, 1997, as amended by USCG-1999-5610, 67 FR 55069, Oct. 30, 2002; USCG-2004-18884, 69 FR 58344, Sept. 30, 2004; USCG-2006-24371, 74 FR 11263, Mar. 16, 2009]