14.213—Report of shipment of merchant mariner.
When a vessel of the United States sails upon a foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise voyage (excluding a voyage on the Great Lakes), each master or individual in charge shall, at the commencement of the voyage, send one copy of shipping articles, signed by the master and by each merchant mariner, to the owner, charterer, or managing operator. The master shall keep the original throughout the voyage and enter in it all charges made to the crew during the voyage.
When a vessel of the United States sails exclusively on the Great Lakes, each master or individual in charge shall, at the commencement of the season, or once the vessel is put into service, whichever occurs earlier, send one copy of articles, signed by the master and by each mariner, to the owner, charterer, or managing operator.
The master or individual in charge shall every 60 days send supplementary particulars of engagement covering each mariner engaged during this period, signed by the master and by each mariner, to the owner, charterer, or managing operator.
The master of individual in charge shall, at the close of the season, or once the vessel is withdrawn from service, whichever occurs later, send articles, signed by the master and by each mariner, to the owner, charterer, or managing operator.
When a vessel of the United States sales exclusively on bays or sounds, each master or individual in charge shall, at least every 60 days, send articles, signed by the master and by each mariner, to the owner, charter, or managing operator.
Any person who fails to comply with the requirements of this section is subject to a civil penalty of $5,000.