12.10-5—Examination and demonstration of ability.

(a) Before an applicant is issued an endorsement as a lifeboatman, he or she shall prove to the satisfaction of the Coast Guard by oral or other means of examination, and by actual demonstration, his or her knowledge of seamanship and the ability to carry out effectively all the duties that may be required of a lifeboatman. The applicant shall demonstrate that he or she:
(1) Has been trained in all the operations connected with the launching of lifeboats and liferafts, and in the use of oars;
(2) Is acquainted with the practical handling of boats; and
(3) Is capable of taking command of the boat's crew.
(b) The examination, whether administered orally or by other means, must be conducted only in the English language and must consist of questions regarding:
(1) Lifeboats and liferafts, the names of their essential parts, and a description of the required equipment;
(2) The clearing away, swinging out, and lowering of lifeboats and liferafts, the handling of lifeboats under oars and sails, including questions relative to the proper handling of a boat in a heavy sea; and,
(3) The operation and functions of commonly used types of davits.
(c) The practical examination shall consist of a demonstration of the applicant's ability to carry out the orders incident to launching lifeboats, and the use of the boat's sail, and to row.
(d) Each applicant for a lifeboatman's endorsement with an STCW endorsement for proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats shall be not less than 18 years old and shall produce satisfactory evidence that he or she meets the requirements of STCW Regulation VI/2 (incorporated by reference in § 12.01-3 ), paragraph 1, and the appropriate provisions of Section A-VI/2 of the STCW Code (also incorporated by reference in § 12.01-3 ).
[CGFR 60-50, 30 FR 16640, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD 71-161R, 37 FR 28263, Dec. 21, 1972; CGD 94-029, 61 FR 47064, Sept. 6, 1996; CGD 95-062, 62 FR 34537, June 26, 1997; USCG-1999-5610, 67 FR 66068, Oct. 30, 2002; USCG-2006-24371, 74 FR 11257, Mar. 16, 2009]