11.901—General provisions.

(a) Each applicant for any endorsement listed in this part shall pass examinations on the appropriate subjects listed in this subpart, except as noted in § 11.903(b).
(b) If the endorsement is to be limited in a manner which would render any of the subject matter unnecessary or inappropriate, the examination may be amended accordingly by the OCMI. Limitations which may affect the examination content are:
(1) MMCs endorsed for restricted routes for reduced service (master or mate of vessels of not more than 200 gross tons, OUPV or master or mate (pilot) of towing vessels); or
(2) Engineer endorsements with horsepower restrictions.
(c) Except as provided in §§ 11.202 and 10.227, each applicant for an STCW certificate or endorsement in the following capacities on vessels that operate beyond the Boundary Line shall also furnish sufficient documentary evidence that he or she has made a practical demonstration(s) of competence as set out under the appropriate STCW Regulations (incorporated by reference in § 11.102 ):
(1) Deck Department. (i) Officer in charge of the navigational watch on a seagoing vessel of 500 gross tons (GT) or more.
(ii) Officer in charge of the navigational watch on a seagoing vessel of less than 500 GT not engaged on a near-coastal voyage.
(iii) Officer in charge of the navigational watch on a seagoing vessel of less than 500 GT engaged on a near-coastal voyage.
(iv) Master and chief mate on a seagoing vessel of 3,000 GT or more.
(v) Master and chief mate on a seagoing vessel of between 500 and 3,000 GT.
(vi) Master on a seagoing vessel of less than 500 GT not engaged on a near-coastal voyage.
(vii) Master on a seagoing vessel of less than 500 gross tons engaged on a near-coastal voyage.
(2) Engine Department. (i) Officer in charge of the engineering watch in a manned engine-room on a seagoing vessel.
(ii) Designated duty engineer in a periodically unmanned engine-room on a seagoing vessel.
(iii) Chief engineer officer of a seagoing vessel driven by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW [4,000 hp] of propulsion power or more.
(iv) Second engineer officer of a seagoing vessel driven by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW [4,000 hp] of propulsion power or more.
(v) Chief engineer officer of a seagoing vessel driven by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW [1,000 hp] and 3,000 kW [4,000 hp] of propulsion power.
(vi) Second engineer officer of a seagoing vessel driven by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW [1,000 hp] and 3,000 kW [4,000 hp] of propulsion power.
(d) Simulators used in assessment of competence under paragraph (c) of this section must meet the appropriate performance standards set out in Section A-I/12 of the STCW Code. However, simulators installed or brought into use before February 1, 2002, need not meet them so far as they fulfill the objectives of the assessment of competence or demonstration of proficiency.
[CGD 81-059, 52 FR 38623, Oct. 16, 1987, as amended at 54 FR 144, Jan. 4, 1989; CGD 94-029, 61 FR 47064, Sept. 6, 1996; CGD 95-062, 62 FR 34533, June 26, 1997; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52188, Sept. 30, 1998; USCG-1999-6224, 64 FR 63235, Nov. 19, 1999; USCG-1999-5610, 67 FR 66068, Oct. 30, 2002; USCG-2004-18884, 69 FR 58342, Sept. 30, 2004; USCG-2006-24371, 74 FR 11253, Mar. 16, 2009]