11.542—Endorsement as chief engineer (MODU).

To qualify for an endorsement as chief engineer (MODU) an applicant must:
(a) Present evidence of the following experience:
(1) Six years of employment assigned to MODUs including three years of employment as mechanic, motorman, subsea engineer, electrician, barge engineer, toolpusher, unit superintendent, crane operator or equivalent. Eighteen months of that employment must have been assigned to self-propelled or propulsion assisted units; or
(2) Two years of employment assigned to MODUs as an assistant engineer (MODU). Twelve months of that employment must have been assigned to self-propelled or propulsion assisted units; and
(b) Present evidence of completion of a firefighting training course as required by § 11.205(d) of this part.
(c) If an applicant successfully completes a modified examination and possesses the total required sea service for an endorsement as chief engineer (MODU), but does not possess the required sea service on board self-propelled or propulsion assisted units, the OCMI may issue the applicant an endorsement limited to non-self-propelled units. The OCMI may remove the limitation upon presentation of satisfactory evidence of the required self-propelled sea service and completion of any additional required examination.
[CGD 81-059a, 55 FR 14802, Apr. 18, 1990, as amended by CGD 81-059a, 59 FR 10756, Mar. 8, 1994; USCG-2006-24371, 74 FR 11251, Mar. 16, 2009]