11.437—Service requirements for mate of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons.

(a) The minimum service required to qualify an applicant for an endorsement as mate of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons is:
(1) Three years of service in the deck department of steam or motor vessels, at least three months of which must have been on vessels on inland waters and at least six months of which must have been as able seaman, inland mate, boatswain, wheelsman, quartermaster, or equivalent position;
(2) Graduation from the deck class of the Great Lakes Maritime Academy; or,
(3) While holding a license or MMC endorsement as master of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of not more than 1600 gross tons, one year service as master on vessels of over 200 gross tons.
(b) Service gained in the engine department on vessels of appropriate tonnage may be creditable for up to six months of the service requirements under paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
[CGD 81-059, 52 FR 38623, Oct. 16, 1987. Redesignated and amended by USCG-2006-24371, 74 FR 11216 and 11243, Mar. 16, 2009]