105.10-15—Flammable liquid.
The term flammable liquid means any liquid which gives off flammable vapors (as determined by flashpoint from an open cup tester, as used for test of burning oils) at or below a temperature of 80 °F. Flammable liquids are referred to by grades as follows:
Code of Federal Regulations
Footnote(s): 1 American Society of Testing Materials Standard D 323 (incorporated by reference, see § 105.01-3 ) (most recent revision), Method of Test for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method).
(2) Grade B.
Any flammable liquid having a Reid 1 vapor pressure under 14 pounds and over 8 1/2 pounds.
(3) Grade C.
Any flammable liquid having a Reid 1 vapor pressure of 8 1/2 pounds or less and a flashpoint of 80 °F. or below.