99.32—Decisions following hearing.

(a) If the Assistant Secretary is the presiding officer, the Assistant Secretary shall issue the decision within 60 days after the time for submission of posthearing briefs has expired.
(b) (1) If the presiding officer is not the Assistant Secretary, the presiding officer shall certify the entire record, including the recommended findings and proposed decision, to the Assistant Secretary within 60 days after the time for submission of posthearing briefs has expired. The Assistant Secretary shall serve a copy of the recommended findings and proposed decision upon all parties, and amici, if any.
(2) Any party may, within 20 days of receipt of the recommended findings and proposed decision, file exceptions and a supporting brief or statement with the Assistant Secretary.
(3) The Assistant Secretary shall thereupon review the recommended decision and, within 45 days after the receipt of the exceptions to the recommended findings and proposed decision, issue the decision.
(c) The decision of the Assistant Secretary under this section shall be the final decision of the Secretary and shall constitute “final agency action” within the meaning of 5 U.S.C. 704. The Assistant Secretary's decision shall be promptly served on all parties, and amici, if any.