98.81—Application and Plan procedures.

(a) In order to receive CCDF funds, a Tribal Lead Agency shall apply for funds pursuant to § 98.13, except that the requirement at § 98.13(b)(2) does not apply.
(b) A Tribal Lead Agency shall submit a CCDF Plan, as described at § 98.16, with the following additions and exceptions:
(1) The Plan shall include the basis for determining family eligibility pursuant to § 98.80(f).
(2) For purposes of determining eligibility, the following terms shall also be defined:
(i) Indian child; and
(ii) Indian reservation or tribal service area.
(3) The Tribal Lead Agency shall also assure that:
(i) The applicant shall coordinate, to the maximum extent feasible, with the Lead Agency in the State in which the applicant shall carry out CCDF programs or activities, pursuant to § 98.82; and
(ii) In the case of an applicant located in a State other than Alaska, California, or Oklahoma, CCDF programs and activities shall be carried out on an Indian reservation for the benefit of Indian children, pursuant to § 98.83(b).
(4) The Plan shall include any information, as prescribed by the Secretary, necessary for determining the number of children in accordance with §§ 98.61(c), 98.62(c), and 98.80(b)(1).
(5) Plans for those Tribes specified at § 98.83(f) (i.e., Tribes with small grants) are not subject to the requirements in § 98.16(g)(2) or § 98.16(k) unless the Tribe chooses to include such services, and, therefore, the associated requirements, in its program.
(6) The Plan is not subject to requirements in § 98.16(f)(8) or § 98.16(g)(4).
(7) In its initial Plan, an Indian Tribe shall describe its current service delivery capability pursuant to § 98.80(b)(2).
(8) A consortium shall also provide the following:
(i) A list of participating or constituent members, including demonstrations from these members pursuant to § 98.80(c)(1) ;
(ii) A description of how the consortium is coordinating services on behalf of its members, pursuant to § 98.83(c)(1); and
(iii) As part of its initial Plan, the additional information required at § 98.80(c)(4).
(c) When initially applying under paragraph (a) of this section, a Tribal Lead Agency shall include a Plan that meets the provisions of this part and shall be for a two-year period, pursuant to § 98.17(a).