96.43—Procedures during FY 1982.

(a) This section applies to the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1981.
(b) A request for direct funding must be received by the Secretary before the Secretary has awarded all of the allotment to the State involved. The application and related submission may be submitted later but must be submitted within 75 days after the beginning of the quarter in which the State qualified for block grant funds, (or by August 20, 1982 in the case of an Indian tribe located in a State that has not qualified for block grant funds in FY 1982) except that the application and related submission for the low-income home energy assistance program must be submitted by December 15, 1981. A separate request and application are required for each block grant.
[47 FR 29486, July 6, 1982; 47 FR 43062, Sept. 30, 1982]