77.3—Conditions that may give rise to remedial actions.
If the Department determines that any of the following conditions is present in a recipient organization's administration of a letter of credit, it may take remedial actions against the organization:
A recipient organization draws Federal funds through its letter of credit in excess of the aggregate grant award or contract authority currently available to it.
A recipient organization draws Federal funds for a particular program in excess of currently available grant award or contract authority for that program, even though the organization may not have exceeded its aggregate grant award or contract authority.
A recipient organization fails to file timely all reports and other data required by the Department in connection with its grant awards, contracts, or letter of credit.
A recipient organization accumulates, through its letter of credit or otherwise, excess amounts of Federal funds relative to its actual and immediate disbursement requirements.
A recipient organization's cash management system fails to comply with generally accepted accounting principles or Departmental regulations or demonstrates irregularities, misrepresentations, fraud, or abuse in its operation.