
(a) After consultation with OMB, the HHS OGAM may grant exceptions to HHS awarding agencies for classes of awards or recipients subject to the requirements of this part when exceptions are not prohibited by statute. However, in the interest of maximum uniformity, exceptions from the requirements of this part shall be permitted only in unusual circumstances. HHS awarding agencies may apply more restrictive requirements to a class of awards or recipients when approved by the OGAM, after consultation with the OMB. HHS awarding agencies may apply less restrictive requirements without approval by the OGAM when making small awards except for those requirements which are statutory. Exceptions on a case-by-case basis may also be made by HHS awarding agencies without seeking prior approval from the OGAM. OGAM will maintain a record of all requests for exceptions from the provisions of this part that have been approved for classes of awards or recipients.
(b) As a matter of Departmental policy, requests for individual case deviations will be considered favorably by HHS and its awarding agencies whenever the deviation will facilitate comprehensive or integrated service delivery, or multiple-source consolidated awards, unless the deviation would impair the integrity of the program.
[59 FR 43760, Aug. 25, 1994, as amended at 61 FR 11746, Mar. 22, 1996]